BOOSTOPEDIA is a comprehensive compilation of the most commonly used acronyms in the in and out-of-school time sectors.
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21st CCLC | 21st Century Community Learning Center |
AB | Assembly Bill |
ADA | Average Daily Attendance |
ADD | Attention Deficit Disorder |
ADHD | Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder |
AO 400 | CDE Code for ASES/21st CCLC grant award letter |
API | Academic Performance Index |
APR | Annual Performance Review |
ASD | After School Division |
ASES | After School Education and Safety |
ASL | American Sign Language |
ASP | After School Program |
ASPO | After School Programs Office |
ASSETS | 21st Century High School After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens |
ASSIST | After School Support and Information System |
AVID | Advancement Via Individual Determination |
AYP | Adequate Yearly Progress |
BASP | Before & After School Program (CPM Instrument specific to after school) |
BTSA | Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment |
CACFP | Child and Adult Care Food Program |
CAHSEE | California High School Exit Exam |
CAIS | California Accountability and Improvement System |
CAPA | California Alternate Performance Assessment (part of STAR) |
CASP | Comprehensive Assessment of Summer Programs |
CAT 6 | California Achievement Test, 6th Edition (part of STAR) |
CBEDS | California Basic Educational Data System |
CBO | Community Based Organization |
CCEE | California Collaborative for Educational Excellence |
CCNSP | Community Child Nutrition Snack Project |
CCSESA | California County Superintendents Educational Services Association |
CCSS | Common Core State Standards |
CELDT | California English Language Development Test |
CHKS | California Healthy Kids Survey |
CIS | Curriculum Instructional Services |
CISC | Curriculum and Instruction Steering Committee |
COE | County Office of Education |
CPM | Categorical Program Monitoring |
CQI | Continuous Quality Improvement |
CRESST | Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing |
CST | California Standardized Test (part of STAR) |
CTAP | California Technology Assistance Project |
DAIT | District Assistance and Intervention Team |
DARE | Drug Abuse Resistance Education |
EC | Education Code |
ELAC | English Language Acquisition Committee |
ELD | English Language Development |
ELL | English Language Learners |
ELO-P | Expanded Learning Opportunities Program |
ESSER | Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund |
ESY | Extended School Year |
FAQ | Frequently Asked Questions |
FPM | Federal Program Monitoring |
FTE | Full-Time Equivalent |
LEA | Local Educational Agency (School District or County Office of Education) |
MEP | Migrant Education Program |
MOU | Memorandum of Understanding |
NCLB | No Child Left Behind (legislation passed in 2001) |
NSLP | National School Lunch Program |
OPSET | Ongoing Program Self-Evaluation CPM Tool |
OST | Out-of-School Time |
PI | Program Improvement |
POS | Point of Service |
PPICS | Profile and Performance Information Collection System |
PTA | Parent Teacher Association |
PTO | Parent Teacher Organization |
PTSA | Parent Teacher Student Association |
PTSO | Parent Teacher Student Organization |
PYD | Positive Youth Development -OR- Principles of Youth Development |
QSAR | Quality Self Assessment Rubric |
QSAT | Quality Self Assessment Tool |
RFA | Request for Application |
RFP | Request for Proposal |
RFQ | Request for Qualifications |
RSDSS | Regional System of District and School Support (RSDSS) |
SAIT | School Assistance and Intervention Team |
SARB | School Attendance Review Board |
SB | Senate Bill |
SBE | State Board of Education |
SCA | State Constitutional Amendment |
SE | Special Education |
SEDL | Southwest Education Development Laboratory |
SEL | Social Emotional Learning |
SES | Supplemental Educational Services |
SPED | Special Education Program |
SFSP | Summer Food Service Program |
SPSA | Single Plan for Student Achievement |
SSOS | Statewide System of Support |
STAR | Standardized Testing and Reporting System |
TA | Technical Assistance |
TAPE | Technical Assistance for Program Effectiveness |
TAPP | Technical Assistance Priority Plan |
TITLE I | Title I is the largest federal education funding program for schools. Its aim is to help students who are behind academically or at risk of falling behind. School funding is based on the number of low-income children, generally those eligible for the free and reduced price lunch program. Many of the major requirements in the No Child Left Behind federal law are outlined in Title I – Adequate Yearly Progress, teacher and paraprofessional standards, accountability, sanctions for schools designated for improvement, standards and assessments, annual state report cards, professional development and parent involvement. Title I used to be known as Chapter I. |
TUPE | Tobacco-Use Prevention Education Program- The TUPE program provides funding from Prop 99 tobacco tax dollars for tobacco prevention education in grades 4- 12. Funding through an application process for tobacco-specific student instruction, reinforcement activities, special events, intervention, and cessation programs for students. |
Acclimatization | physiological and behavioral adjustments in response to changes in climatic environment |
Adaptation | the adjustments human makes to live with the impacts of climate effects |
Aerosol | fine solid or liquid particles, either naturally occurring or caused by people, that are suspended in the atmosphere |
AGW | Anthropogenic Global Warming; global warming caused by human influence |
Afforestation | the planting of forests on land that previously did not contain forests |
Alternative Energy | Energy that is harnessed from nontraditional sources such as solar, hydroelectrical, wind, sun |
Biofuels | fuels such as ethanol, methanol, and biodiesel that are renewable and derived from biological materials |
Carbon Neutral | when CO2 emissions are balanced globally and there is no addition of net carbon dioxide into the air |
CDR | Carbon Dioxide Removal |
CH4 | Methane; a key component of greenhouse gasses responsible for climate change |
CER | Certified Emission Reduction |
Climate | the average weather in a specific region over a long frame of time |
Climate Change | significant changes in the Earth’s climate over an extended period of time |
Climate Strike | a form of protest, usually involving young people, as a way to bring attention to climate change and to demand action from government |
CO2 | Carbon Dioxide; a key component of greenhouse gasses responsible for climate change |
CO | Carbon Monoxide |
CREWS | Climate Risk and Early Warning Systems |
CSD | United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development |
Deforestation | the conversion of a forested area to a non-forest area |
Energy Efficiency | when less energy is used to provide the same services |
Emissions | climate-altering gasses and particles that are released from human and natural sources into the atmosphere |
EV | Electric Vehicle |
FAO | Food and Agriculture Organizations of the United Nations |
Fossil Fuels | Natural fuels (like coal, petroleum, and natural gas) that are made of organisms that lived millions of years ago and contribute to global warming |
GCM | Global Climate Models |
GCOS | Global Climate Observing System |
GOOS | Global Ocean Observing System |
GHG | Greenhouse Gas |
Global Warming | the warming of Earth’s climate primarily driven by human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels |
Greenhouse Gas | Gases in the Earth’s atmosphere such as water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide that cause the greenhouse effect |
GWP | Global Warming Potential |
Heat Wave | abnormally hot weather that lasts a period of a few days to a week |
IPCC | Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change |
Mitigation | a form of human intervention to reduce emissions, greenhouses gases, and to stop climate change from getting worse |
NCA | National Climate Assessment |
N2O | Nitrous Oxide; a key component of greenhouse gasses responsible for climate change |
O3 | Ozone |
Paris Agreement | An international treaty that focuses on combating climate change |
PM | Particulate Matter |
PPM | Parts Per Million |
REDD+ | Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation plus conservation policies |
Reforestation | the replanting of forests on land that used to contain forest but no longer do |
Renewable Energy | The fastest growing source of energy in the U.S. that is generated from renewable resources like rain, tides, wind, geothermal heat, and the sun |
Solar Energy | Energy harnessed from the sun |
SRM | Solar Radiation Management |
Sustainable Development | development that does not compromise future generations in order to meet the needs of the present |
UN | United Nations |
UNEP | United Nations Environment Program |
UNFCCC | United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change |
WCC | World Climate Conference |
WCI | Western Climate Initiative |
WCRP | World Climate Research Program |
ABA | Applied Behavioral Analysis |
AAA | Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm |
AAAC | The Academic Achievement and Accountability Commission |
AAADD | Age Activated Attention Deficit Disorder |
ABN | Advanced Beneficiary Notice |
ACEP | Approved Continuing Education Provider |
ACP | Address Confidentiality Program |
ACS | Approved Clinical Supervisor |
ADAA | Anxiety Disorders Association of America |
ADAM | Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring Program |
ADP | Average Daily Population |
AIA | An Alcohol Impact Area |
AKOM | All Kinds of Minds |
ASD | Autism Spectrum Disorder |
ATR | Art Therapist Registered |
AUDIT | Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test |
AWP | Any Willing Provider |
AYP | Adequate Yearly Progress |
BAI | Beck Anxiety Index |
BARS | Barnes Akathisia Rating Scale |
BDD | Body Dysmorphic Disorder |
BGLQT | Bisexuals, Gays, Lesbians, Questioning, and Transsexuals |
BHMCO | Behavioral Health Managed Care Organization |
BIP | Behavioral Intervention Plan |
BIQ | Background Investigation Questionnaire |
BPD | Borderline Personality Disorder |
BSE | Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy |
BSFT | Brief Structural Family Therapy |
CAD | Coronary Artery Disease |
C-ACYSW | Certified Advanced Children, Youth, and Family Social Worker |
CAM | Complementary and Alternative Medicine |
CCTP | Certified Clinical Trauma Professional |
CD | Chemical Dependency |
CEAP | Certified Employee Assistance Program |
CERT | Cognitive Emotional Restructuring Therapy |
CME | Continuing Medical Education |
CNS | Central Nervous System |
CoDA | Co-Dependence Anonymous |
CSAAS | Child Sexual Abuse Accommodation Syndrome |
CUSSN | Computer Use in Social Services Network |
CVCP | Crime Victim Compensation Program |
DAP | Data Assessment and Plan |
DCH | Defendant’s Case History |
DESNOS | Disorder of Extreme Stress Not Otherwise Specified |
DICA | Diagnostic Inventory for Children and Adolescents |
DOSA | Drug Offender Sentencing Alternative |
DP | Deferred Prosecution |
DRA | Dual Recovery Anonymous |
DSH | Deliberate Self-Harm |
EAA | Eating Addictions Anonymous |
EBP | Evidence Based Practice |
EI | Emotional Intelligence |
EIA | Enzyme Immuno Assay |
ETR | Exception to Rule |
FAFSA | Free Application for Federal Student Aid |
FH+ | With a Family History of a Particular Problem |
FH- | Without a Family History of a Particular Problem |
FOO | Family of Origin |
FPL | Federal Poverty Level |
FSAD | Female Sexual Arousal Disorder |
FSD | Female Sexual Dysfunction |
GAD | Generalized Anxiety Disorder |
GAIN | Global Appraisal of Individual Needs |
GAM | Gay Asian Men |
HBLU | Healing from the Body Level Up |
HFA | High Functioning Alcoholics |
HIDTA | High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area |
HIPAA | Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 |
HSAD | Hypoactive Sexual Arousal Disorder |
IDU | Injection Drug User |
IED | Intermittent Explosive Disorder |
IPSAT | In Prison Substance Abuse Treatment |
IRRT | Imagery Re-Scripting and Reprocessing Therapy |
JIS | Judicial Information System |
LOC | Level of Care |
MAOI | Monoamine Oxidize Inhibitors |
MDD | Major Depressive Disorder |
MHF | Mental Health Facilitators |
MMT | Methadone Maintenance Treatment |
MPD | Multiple Personality Disorder (now the preferred term is DID.) |
MVA | Motor Vehicle Accident |
MYOB | Mind Your Own Business |
NGO | Non-Governmental Organization |
OST | Opiate Substitution Treatment |
OT | Occupational Therapist |
OTC | Over the Counter |
OTM | Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment |
OTP | Opioid Treatment Program |
OTR | Occupational Therapist Registered |
OTR/L | Occupational Therapist Licensed |
PHI | Protected Health Information or Protected Healthcare Information |
PPD | Postpartum Depression |
PPMD | Pregnancy and Postpartum Mood Disorder |
REBT | Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy |
RET | Rational-Emotive Therapy |
RIBA | Recombinant Immunoblot Assay |
SGSE | Same-Gender-Spousal-Equivalent |
SI | Suicidal Ideation |
SIARI | Self Injury and Related Issues (a.k.a self-harm, self-mutilation, self-abuse, self-inflicted violence, self-injury, and cutting) |
SIG | Special Interest Group |
SMI | Serious Mental Illness |
TPA | Third Party Administrators |
TPO | Treatment, Payment or Health-Care Operations |
VT | Vicarious Traumatization |
WSW | Women Who Have Sex with Women |
Antigen Test | sometimes referred to as rapid test; a form of diagnostic test that checks to see if an individual is currently infected. These tests are faster than PCR tests but they are also considered less accurate with a higher risk of false positives and false negatives |
Asymptomatic | not showing symptoms of disease |
Asynchronous Work | workflow that can be completed outside of a brick-and-mortar office building and at within a flexible time frame |
CDC | Centers for Disease Control |
CFR | Case Fatality Rate; an estimated risk of mortality from a contagious disease |
Corona Virus | family of related viruses that cause respiratory illnesses |
COVID-19 | Coronavirus Disease 2019 |
Drive-through Testing | when a medical staff in protective gear administers a swab test to an individual who remains in their vehicle |
Emotional Labor | also called ‘Invisible Labor’, the required work of managing others’ emotions that is often unpaid |
Endemic | an expected level or constant presence of a disease in a specific community |
Epidemic | when more than an expected number of cases of a disease happens in a specific area or to a group of people |
Flattening the Curve | lowering the rate of new cases of COVID-19 |
Herd Immunity | when a population is immune to a specific infection |
Hybrid Work | work completed in office and also at locations out of an office including working from home, community locations, and business establishments |
Immunity | a person’s ability to resist and fight of an infection |
Immunization | process in which an individual becomes protected against a disease |
Immunocompromised | (sometimes called immune-compromised or immunodeficient) An individual whose immune system cannot resist or fight off infections as well as others |
Incubation Period | time it takes for an individual with an infection to start showing symptoms |
Isolation | separating an infected sick person(s) from healthy individuals |
N95 Face Mask | a specific type of face mask that protects individuals from airborne particles and liquid contaminations |
Outbreak | quick increase of a specific illness in a small area |
Pandemic | a new disease spreading to many countries around the world |
PCR Test | Polymerase Chain Reaction test, a specific test that detects material from an organism such as a virus |
PPE | Personal Protective Equipment; equipment used by healthcare workers to prevent spread of infection to themselves and others |
PUI | Person Under Investigation; a person who is suspected by their healthcare provider to have coronavirus but have does not yet have a confirmed positive test |
Quarantine | when an individual stays away from others to avoid the spread of disease |
Quiet Firing | the strategic act of managers where they gradually phase out a role without actually firing the employee |
Quiet Quitting | an employee’s reduction of effort while remaining employed; ‘doing the bare minimum’ |
Rage-applying | workers, when fueled by desperation, quickly apply to multiple jobs often in succession; this includes applying to jobs without tailoring one’s application to the position for which they are applying |
RTO | Return To Office |
SARS-CoV-2 | severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 |
Screening | series of questions about an individual’s health condition and health history; sometimes includes other health procedures such as taking an individual’s temperature |
Self-isolation | when a sick individual separates themself from healthy individuals to prevent spreading an illness |
Shelter-in-place | a government order for individuals to stay in their homes with the exception of essential needs and people who work in critical services |
Social Distancing | creating physical space between individuals to slow down the spread of infection |
Super-spreader | an individual who infects an unusually large number of people |
The Great Resignation | the voluntary resignations in 2022 that resulted in a mass exodus of employees from the workforce post-COVID-19 pandemic |
Vaccine | a preparation that stimulates the body’s immune response against a specific disease |
Variant | a change, alteration, or mutation of the original virus causing it to take on new characteristics |
Ventilator | a medical device that helps deliver air to the lungs via a tube that is placed through the nose or mouth and into the windpipe |
Virus | an infectious agent that can infect a variety of living organisms |
WFH | Work From Home |
WHO | World Health Organization – an organization within the United Nations that works to monitor and protect public health around the world |
Cocaine/Crack | Common Names: angel powder, baby, base, blast, blow, Big C, candy cane, charlie, crack, coke, cola, divits, dust, flake, freebase, lady, nose candy, pebbles, powder, ringer, rock, rails, snow, snowbirds, toot, white, yahoo, yayo, yeyo |
Synopsis: | Cocaine is a drug obtained from the leaves of a coca plant. It is very potent and highly addictive. Cocaine can be found in a white crystalline powder or as “crack”, or cocaine processed with baking soda and ammonia, which results in chunks or rocks and can be smoked. Cocaine produces a euphoric effect coupled with hyper-sensitivity and increased clarity. The high from cocaine may last 15 to 30 minutes while the high from crack lasts about 10 minutes. Followed by this intense high is just as intense of a crash and the user becomes irritable, depressed, and anxious. Using cocaine over time can incite extreme paranoia. Cocaine use can result in heart disease, heart attacks, respiratory failure, seizures, or death.
Related Terms | Definition |
Base House | Place for smoking freebase cocaine or crack |
Base Pipe | Pipe for smoking freebase cocaine or crack |
Baseball | Freebase cocaine |
Coke Bugs | Hallucination after using cocaine which creates the illusion of bugs burrowing under the skin |
Coke Crash | The crash after a coke high, which results in depression, irritability, and fatigue |
Cork the Air | To inhale cocaine |
Fluff | Filtering heroin or cocaine through cloth to increase its apparent bulk |
Freebase | Smoking cocaine from a special water pipe |
Snort | To inhale cocaine through the nostrils |
Snow Bird | Someone who is dependent on cocaine |
Speedball | Injection of heroin and cocaine mixture |
Toot | To sniff cocaine |
Common Names: beans, dolphins, E’s, love drug, hug drug, pills, pokeballs, rolexes, rolls, Scooby Snacks, speed for lovers, XTC, X
Common “Brand Names”: Armanis, Batmans, Blue Nikes, Buddhas, Butterflies,Ferraris, Mercedes, Mitsubishis, Playboys, Red Devils, Supermans, White Diamonds, X-Files, Yin Yangs, etc.
Synopsis: | MDMA or Ecstasy is a synthetic drug with hallucinogenic properties, classified as a stimulant. It comes from a tablet and is usually “branded” with names like Playboy bunnies, Nike swoosh, etc. Ecstasy is usually taken at “raves,” clubs or other parties to enhance mood and perceptions. Ecstasy is known to produce incredibly pleasurable effects, such as self-confidence, acceptance, feelings of closeness, and desire to touch others. However, this high can lead to severe dehydration and hyperthermia or increases in body temperature. Usage can cause muscle breakdown and kidney, liver, or cardiovascular failure. It can also cause anxiety, sleep-deprivation, and depression. Ecstasy can damage cells that produce serotonin which regulate mood, appetite, etc. and thus can create emotional problems and learning disorders. Research has also shown effects on memory.
Related Terms | Definition |
Candy Flipping | Using LSD with ecstasy |
Elephant Flipping | Using PCP with ecstasy |
E-tard | Person who uses a great deal of ecstasy; a burnout |
Flower Flipping/Hippy Flipping | Using mushrooms with ecstasy |
Heroin | Common Names: Aries, Big H, brown, brown sugar, dope, gear, golden girls, H, Harry Jones, horse, junk, poison, scat, skag, smack, sweet dreams, tar, train
Synopsis: | Heroin is derived from morphine, obtained from the opium poppy, and is highly addictive. Heroin is classified as a “downer” or depressant and as such interferes with the brain’s ability to perceive pain. It can be white to dark brown powder or a tar-like substance. Heroin can be injected into a vein, called mainlining, injected into a muscle, smoked in a pipe, mixed with marijuana or tobacco, inhaled as smoke, or snorted. Heroin creates a euphoric high and then an alternately wakeful and drowsy state. Over time, using can lead to collapsed veins, infection of the heart lining and valves, liver disease, clogged blood vessels, and eventually death. |
Related Terms | Definition |
Back to Back | Smoking crack after injecting heroin or heroin used after smoking crack |
Back-up | Permitting blood to back up into a syringe to ensure the needle is in a vein |
Bombita | A mixture of cocaine and heroin |
Chasing the Dragon | A particular way of inhaling heroin |
Cheese | A hazardous mix of black tar heroin and Tylenol PM (or other medicines containing diphenhydramine). It looks like grated parmesan cheese – thus the name. |
China White | A very pure white heroin |
Cook | To heat heroin with water to prepare it for injection |
Cotton Shooter | A desperate addict who injects the residue from cotton used to filter heroin |
Dime’s Worth | The amount of heroin to cause death |
Evening | The onset of a heroin withdrawal |
Give Wings | Inject someone or teach someone to inject heroin |
Half Load | 15 bags (decks) of heroin |
Hong-yen | Heroin in pill form |
Night Time | A heroin withdrawal |
Nixon | Low potency heroin |
Super Flu | Heroin withdrawal symptoms |
Inhalants | Common Names: Amyl Nitrate – ames, amys, boppers, peals, poppers; Isobutyl Nitrate – aroma of men, bullet, bolt, climax, hardware, locker room, poppers, quicksilver, rush, snappers, thrust; Nitrous Oxide – bomb, buzz, hippie crack, laughing gas, whippets |
Synopsis: | Inhalants are ordinary products that are inhaled by a person to get high. This could be glue, nail polish remover, cleaner fluids, hair spray, aerosol cans, Freon, etc. Inhalants are sniffed, bagged (fumes inhaled from a plastic bag), or huffed (an inhalant-soaked rag in the mouth). The effects are similar to being intoxicated by alcohol such as slurred speech, uncoordinated movements, and delirium. Users might experience hallucinations, nausea, or vomiting. Long-term symptoms are weight loss, muscle weakness, inattentiveness, irritability, and depression. Since effects last a few minutes, inhalers will continue huffing for hours which can result in unconsciousness and potentially death.
Related Terms | Definition |
Air Blast | An inhalant |
Bagging | Using an inhalant |
Cracker | Tool used to open a canister of nitrous oxide |
Dabbing | Dropping concentrated cannabis oil on a hot surface in order to vaporize and inhale it |
Glading | Using an inhalant |
Huffing | Soaking a rag, sock, or toilet paper in inhalant fluid and inhaling with the device over the mouth. |
Ketamine | Common Names: baby food, bump, cat killer, cat valium, fort dodge, green, honey oil, jet K, kit kat, psychedelic heroin, purple, special “K”, special la coke, super acid, super C, vitamin K |
Synopsis: | Ketamine is an anesthetic that has dissociative and hallucinogenic properties. It changes sight and sound perception, making the user feel disconnected and out of control. Because users often feel detached from pain and environment, it is commonly referred to as a “dissociative anesthetic hallucinogen”. Ketamine can induce states of calm and relaxation, immobility, pain relief and amnesia. The dissociative and hallucinogenic sensations are why ketamine is often abused.
Ketamine is injectable as a short-acting anesthetic, in tablet form, and as esketamine (nasal spray for depression). |
Related Terms | Definition |
Kitty Flipping | Ketamine used with ecstasy, cocaine, or sprinkled on marijuana blunts
LSD | Common Names: acid, blaze, blotter, cheer, cubes, dose, dots, drop, flash, fry, gel, hawk, Kool-Aid, L, lightening, liquid acid, Lucy, microdots, paper mushrooms, purple haze, pyramid, smilies, stars, rainbows, tab, trips
Synopsis: | LSD is manufactured from lysergic acid and is a strong hallucinogenic. It is usually put on “blotter” paper, or paper that is perforated into small squares for absorption on the tongue. The small squares are called tabs and can be decorated (“blotter art”). It can also come in liquid form or in sugar cubes or thin squares of gelatin. The liquid and gelatin can be absorbed through the eyes. The effects of LSD depend on the user’s mood, environment, and expectations before taking the drug. Users frequently encounter “bad trips” or an un-relieving horrifying experience where the user experiences pain or anxiety. Many people report an altered sense of time and self as well as altered sensations such as feeling or hearing colors and seeing sounds. Some users experience flashbacks or a recurrence of their experience on LSD that is unprompted and unexpected. This can happen even to one-time users or months after LSD was taken. It is not categorically an addictive substance since it doesn’t produce the same obsessive seeking as do other drugs like heroin or cocaine. Long-term effects include psychosis, HPPD (Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder), panic and anxiety, and other emotion-altering defects. |
Related Terms | Definition |
Acid Cube | Sugar cube containing LSD |
Acid Head | LSD user |
Blotter Art | LSD blotter art or Vanity blotter art are terms for the artwork that LSD is dropped onto. The artwork is printed onto blotter paper and then perforated into tiny squares or stamps which can be torn apart. |
Blotter Paper | The paper that a liquid solution of LSD is dropped onto, which commonly is perforated into individual doses and artfully decorated also known as blotter art. |
Come Home | To end a trip on LSD |
Tabs | A tab is one of the common ways that LSD is ingested for use. The paper is soaked in LSD and then perforated into squares, supposed to regulate dosage. However, it is very difficult to tell the amount of LSD until it is ingested. |
Trip | To be high on LSD |
Yen Sleep | Restless, drowsy state after LSD use |
Marijuana | Common Names: Aunt Mary, bud, chiva, chronic, dojo, doobie, dope, gage, ganja, gas, grass, herb, kush, MJ, Mary Jane, mota, pot, reefer, skunk, weed, za, zaza |
Synopsis: | Marijuana is the most often used illegal drug in American and is derived from the hemp plant Cannabis sativa. THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) is the main active chemical that affects the body by reducing pain sensations. It is a green or gray mixture of dried leaves usually rolled into a joint, or marijuana cigarette. It can also be smoked in a water pipe, mixed in with food, or brewed as tea. The effects of marijuana include memory loss, difficulty with thinking and problem solving, distorted perceptions, and anxiety attacks. Long-term effects include chest illnesses, lung infections, and increased chances of cancer. |
Related Terms | Definition |
A-bomb | Marijuana and heroin smoked in a cigarette |
Ace | A marijuana cigarette |
Alice B. Toklas | A marijuana brownie |
Amp Joint | Marijuana cigarette laced with some form of narcotic |
Aquatic | Water-grown marijuana |
B/Blunt | A joint rolled in the tobacco-leaf paper of a cigar or cigarette |
Baked | To be high on marijuana |
Bale | A compressed brick of marijuana, usually ranging in weight from 10 to 40 pounds |
Beat | Term used to describe a finished bowl or joint |
Biffda | A large joint. |
Blazed | To be high on marijuana |
Blitted | To be very high on marijuana |
Bong | A large pipe containing water to cool the smoke, usually made out of bamboo, glass or acrylic |
Bowl | The part of a pipe, bong, or similar smoking device which holds the marijuana to be smoked |
Brick | A kilogram-sized slab or cube of compressed pot |
Bud | Slang term for marijuana. The fresh/dried flowers of the Canabis plant |
Chief/Chiefin’/Chief Out | Slang term meaning to smoke a lot of weed. Refers to the image of a Native American chief puffin’ on the old peace pipe. |
Chronic | Used to describe high quality marijuana or marijuana laced with cocaine. |
Clambake | A pot smoking session that takes place in a small, closed, confined space so that the smokers may increase their high by breathing secondhand smoke; a hotboxing session. |
Cocktail | A joint made with tobacco and marijuana combined. |
Cocoa Puffs | Marijuana laced with cocaine. |
Colombian | The most common type of marijuana on the black market. |
Crip/Crippy | Potent, hydroponically grown marijuana with white crystals on top. |
Dank | Used to describe high quality weed. |
Dime | A ten-dollar bag of marijuana. |
Dub | Slang for a $20 bag of marijuana. |
Elbow | A pound of mairjuana. |
Gold | Yellow marijuana from Acapulco in Mexico or Santa Marta Department in Colombia |
Hash/Hashish | Smoking mixture that regionally varies, generally based primarily on resin from substandard Middle Eastern or Indian marijuana. |
Hemp | Cannabis stalks and stems, especially those used to make rope, fabrics, etc. |
Henry | One eighth ounce of weed. Derived from Henry the Eighth. |
Hit | A single inhalation of smoke taken from a joint or smoking device; a drag; puff. |
Hotbox | To smoke marijuana in a small, confined space so as to take advantage of secondhand smoke for an increased high. |
Hydro/Hydroponic | Marijuana grown in a controlled, optimized enviroment including automatic irrigation systems, regulated climate, the best fertilizer and other such amenities. Consequently, the yielded product is extremely potent. |
Jamaican Seed | A quarter-sized seed of a special marijuana that can be smoked and is very potent. |
Joint/ Jay/ J | Marijuana rolled into paper in the same way a cigarette is. |
Kind | Of exceptional quality, referring to marijuana; dank. |
Munchies | The intense hunger that comes after smoking marijuana. |
Nickel Bag | Five dollars worth of pot, or any other street intoxicant. |
Nug | A bud from a marijuana plant. Often used to refer to the separate cohesive pieces of weed in a bag of marijuana; short for “nugget.” |
Oh-Ze | One ounce of pot. |
Oil | The purified and concentrated resin from hashish or marijuana. |
One-Hitter | A small pipe with a bowl that holds only one hit. |
Pinner | A very skinny joint that doesn’t get a smoker high. |
Purple Haze | A type of marijuana with veins of purple originating in Jamaica. |
Stoned | To be high on marijuana |
Toke | To inhale the smoke into your lungs |
ZigZags | One of the more popularly used papers to roll joints. |
Methamphetaminse (Meth) | Common Names: amp, chalk, crank, crystal, crystal meth, Christina, glass, ice, P’s, speed, spoosh, tick-tick, Tina, yaba, yellow powder |
Synopsis: | Methamphetamine (Meth) is an addictive stimulant that can come as a crystal-like powdered substance or in large chunks and is white or slightly yellow, depending on the purity. Users can take meth orally, inject, snort, or smoke it. Meth creates a rush or a high that last about a few minutes followed usually by a state of agitation and anxiety. The effects of meth are insomnia, decreased appetite, nervousness, and sometimes convulsions and heart attack. Some users abuse meth as a weight-loss measure. Many users become paranoid and develop compulsive behaviors. Another effect of meth is “formication,” in which the user hallucinates that bugs or parasites are crawling under the skin and so obsessively scratch at it. It has been reported that some users who experience formication can even scratch their skin off. Long-term usage can lead to psychosis, strokes, and death. |
OxyContin | Common Names: Hillbilly heroin, killers, O.C.’s, oxy, oxycet, oxycottons |
Synopsis: | OxyContin or oxycodone hydrochloride is a prescription-only pain reliever. It releases the medicine over a longer period of time and is supposed to be taken every 12 hours by prescribed patients. Users remove the coating that time-releases the drug to create an instant rush similar to heroin. Some effects are constipation, nausea, vomiting, headache, mood changes, decreased appetite, and slowed breathing. This difficulty breathing can sometimes lead to death. It is an addictive substance and requires a larger dose to achieve the previous high. Long term use can lead to painful withdrawal symptoms, cardiovascular damage, and altered brain chemistry that results in volatile mood swings. |
Related Terms | Definition |
Jammed | Under the influence of OxyContin |
Phencyclidine (PCP) | Common Names: amp, angel dust, elephant, embalming fluid, hog, juice, killer weed, kools sherms, loveboat, lovely, ozone, peace pills, rocket fuel, supergrass, wack, wet daddies, zoom |
Synopsis: | PCP was developed in the 1950s as an anesthetic. The use of PCP in humans stopped in 1965 due to agitation and delusion found in patients under its influence. At a low does, PCP affects the body much like alcohol intoxication. Higher doses create a feeling of being “out of body” and detached from the surroundings. A high dose can also produce symptoms of schizophrenia such as paranoia and catatonia (loss of motor skills, repetitive talk, an apathetic state). Effects of PCP use are constant sweating, numbness of limbs, interference with normal growth (in adolescents), seizures, coma, and even death. PCP users in high doses can become suicidal and violent. Long-term effects are compulsive use, memory loss, difficulty speaking or thinking, depression, and other mood disorders. |
Psilocybin/Psilocyn (Mushrooms) | Common Names: Alice, amoeba, boomers, buttons, caps, cubes, liberty caps, little smoke, magics, magic mushrooms, mushies, sherm, shrooms, silly putty, tweezes |
Synopsis: | Psilocybin and Psilocyn, more popularly known as mushrooms or shrooms are hallucinogenic when ingested. They look like dried mushrooms and can be eaten or brewed in tea. Mushrooms create a feeling of distortion and altered perceptions of the five senses. The high is due to a loosening of the conscious mind by the drug and thus erasing normal filters between cognition and the outside world. Users can also experience a “bad trip” or nervousness and paranoia with anxiety about insanity and death. Like LSD, this depends on the priming of the situation, or the mood and surroundings of the user. Some users experience flashbacks or HPPD (hallucinogen persisting perception disorder), or recurring hallucinations when not on the drug. Short-term effects include cramping, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. This is because a fungus is being ingested and so effects are much like those of food poisoning. Some long-term effects include memory loss, anxiousness, and depression. |
Ritalin | Common Names: West Coast, Vitamin R |
Synopsis: | Ritalin, or methylphenidate, is prescribed to children with ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder) and can also be prescribed for narcolepsy. It has a calming and focusing effect when taken. Because it is a stimulant, it has been abused and can cause nervousness, insomnia, decreased appetite, vomiting, headaches, weight loss, and severe depression upon withdrawal. Long-term use can cause irregular respiration, paranoia, delusions, and sometimes formication. It can also lead to an obsessive dependence on the drug, malnourishment, psychosis, and damage to the brain. However, Ritalin can be a positive prescription drug for those who use it under the guidance of a doctor. |
General Drug Terms | Definitions |
Abe | $5 worth of a drug |
Agonies | Withdrawal symptoms |
Amped-Out | Accelerated heartbeat |
Bag | Package of drugs, usually the standard amount for sale |
Balloon | Small amount of contained narcotics |
Barbituates | Drugs that are depressants on the central nervous system. This can result in mild sedation or total anesthesia. |
Big Man | A supplier of drugs |
Blackout | Amnesia for events occurring while heavily intoxicated |
Booze | Slang for alcohol (beer, wine, liquor) |
Bread | Money |
Bummer | A bad experience with drugs |
Bundle | Multiple bags of a drug |
Burnout | Heavy user of drugs |
Candyman | A supplier of drugs |
Chipping | Occasional use of drugs |
Chippy | Person who uses drugs infrequently |
Clean | Drug free or not in possession of drugs |
Coasting | Being high on drugs |
Come Down | The ending of a drug experience |
Cooker | Usually a spoon or bottle cap used to heat drugs for injection |
Cop | To obtain drugs |
Cut | To adulterate drugs |
Dealer | Someone who sells illegal drugs |
Deck | A packet of drugs |
Downers | Depressants |
Dried Out | Having gone through a withdrawal program for drugs or alcohol |
Drop | To take a drug orally; a place where money or drugs are left |
Dusting | Sprinkling a narcotic powder on another drug such as PCP on marijuana |
Dynamite | High quality, potent drugs |
Fix | An injection of drugs |
Flashback | Recurrence of previous hallucinations |
Flip out | To become psychotic or irrational |
Flying | Under the influence of drugs |
Formication | A medical term for the sensation under heavy drug use in which the user experiences insects crawling under the skin. It can cause itchiness, tingling, burning, or pain. Many users will scratch incessantly to get rid of this sensation. |
Freeze | To back out of a drug transaction |
Front | To put money out before receiving drugs |
Fuzz | The police |
Hard Stuff | Narcotics |
Head | Someone who uses drugs frequently |
Head Shop | Store specializing in the sale of drug paraphernalia |
Holding | In possession of drugs |
Hot | Wanted by the authorities |
Hot Shot | A fatal injection of drugs |
Huffer | A glue sniffer, or an inhalant user |
Hustle | Attempt to obtain drug customers |
Loaded | To be high on drugs or alcohol |
Lucky Charms | Colorful opioids |
Mainline | To inject a drug directly into a vein, to “shoot up” |
Mule | A carrier of drugs |
Papers | Rolling papers, used to make marijuana or tobacco cigarettes |
Paraphernalia | Accessories used to take drugs |
Pharming | Consuming a mixture of prescription drugs |
Piece | Usually one ounce of drugs |
Plant | A hiding place for drugs |
Rig | Paraphernalia for injecting drugs |
Script Writer | A doctor willing to write a prescription for illicit drug use |
Speed | Amphetamines |
Spike | Needle used to inject drugs |
Stash | A place where drugs are hidden |
Straight | Not using drugs |
Stuff | Another term for drugs |
Taste | A small sample of drugs |
Tracks | A row of needle marks on the skin |
Trap | A hiding place for drugs |
Trip | Under the influence of drugs |
Turf | A location where drugs are sold |
Turned On | Introduced to drugs, or under the influence of drugs |
Uncle | Federal agents |
Uppers | Stimulants, Amphetamines |
Vallies | Tranquilizers |
Zonked | Extremely high on drugs |
Community Child Care Council
Accreditation Association Funds
Affordable Child Care Fund, aka Child Care Capital Fund
Administration for Children and Families (Federal)
Attention Deficit Disorder
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Association for the Education of Young Children
Aid to Families with Dependent Children (this program has been replaced by TANF)
Area Median Income
American Montessori Society
All Our Kids Network
Adaptive Physical Education
Academic Performance Index
Alternative Payment Program
Business Administration Scale
Behavioral Health Care Services Agency
Child Abuse Council
Citizen’s Advisory Council of the SF Children’s Fund
Child and Adult Care Food Program
California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (state name for TANF)
California School Age Families Education
Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act
California Alternative Payment Program Association
Comprehensive Approaches to Raising Educational Standards (formerly known as Compensation and Retention Encourage Stability)
Community Based Organization
California Budget Project
Child Care Aware
Child Care Assistance Program
California Child Care Coordinator’s Association
California Child Care Resource and Referral Network (often referred to as “the Network” or the “R and R Network”)
California Child Development Administrators Association
Child Care and Development Block Grant
Child Care and Development Fund
Child Care Facilities Fund
California Child Care Health Program
Child Care Inclusion Challenge Project
Child Care Initiative Project
Creative Curriculum for Infants, Toddlers, and Twos
Community Care Licensing
Child Care Law Center
Child Care Professional Credential
Child Care Resource and Referral
Child Development
Child Development Associate Credential
Child Development Center
Child Development Consortium
Centralized Eligibility List
Child Protective Services
Child Care Resource & Referral
Center for Social Emotional Foundations for Early Learning
Children’s System of Care
Commission on Teacher Credentialing
Child Welfare Services
Child and Youth Programs
Department of Children and Family Services
Division of Mental Health
Early Childhood
Early Childhood Coalition
Every Child Counts |
Early Care and Education
Early Childhood Education
Early Childhood Environmental Rating Scales (also known as Harms Scales)
Early Childhood Mental Health
Early Head Start
Economic Impact Report
English Language Learners (previously known as LEP- Limited English Proficient)
Early Learning Opportunities Act
Early Learning Standards
Educational Resources Information Center
Free Appropriate Public Education
Family Child Care
Family Child Care Providers
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
Family Resource Associate
Fiscal Year
Health and Human Services
Head Start
Individualized Family Service Plans
Infant Toddler Credential
Infant Toddler Child Care Specialist
Infant Toddler Environment Rating Scale
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Learning Disabled
Montessori Accreditation Council for Teacher Education
Multi-Disciplinary Conference
Mental Health Consultants
National Accreditation Commission for Early Care and Education Program
National Association of Child Care Resource & Referral Agencies
National Association for the Education of Young Children
National Association for Family Child Care
National Child Care Information Center
No Child Left Behind
Oppositional Defiance Disorder
Parents as Teachers
Professional Development
Preschool Education Project
Preschool for All
Parents Helping Parents
Child Care Provider
Quality Rating Scale -OR- Quality Rating Systems
Quality Rating and Improvement Scale
Request for Application
School-Age Care Environment Rating Scale
Seriously Emotionally Disturbed
Social Emotional Foundations for Early Learning
School Readiness Nurse
Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (Federal name for CalWORKs)
Title V
California Education Code governing most state-funded child care programs
Title 22
California Health and Safety code governing licensing of child care programs
Tiered Quality Rating and Improvement Systems
Universal Prekindergarten
21st CCLC | 21st Century Community Learning Centers; programs that provide learning activities during non-school hours through school- and community-based academic and youth development programs |
ABA | Applied Behavior Analysis |
ACCESS | Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State-to-State; an English language assessment for English language learners tied to the state’s language proficiency standards |
ACRE | Accountability and Curriculum Revision Effort |
ACT | American College Test |
ADA | Americans with Disabilities Act; the federal law that outlines requirements for individuals with disabilities in the workplace, school, public areas, and more |
ADM | Average Daily Membership |
AFGR | Average Freshman Graduation Rate |
AI | Artificial Intelligence |
AP | Advanced Placement |
APS | Academic Program Survey |
AR | Accelerated Reader – a daily progress monitoring software assessment in wide use by primary and secondary schools for monitoring the practice of reading – OR- Augmented Reality |
ARC | Admissions and Release Committee; a group who makes determinations on the best course of study for a student with disabilities; membership should include a regular education teacher, a special education teacher, a representative of the school district, the parent, and individuals with specialized knowledge, and others |
ASCD | Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development |
ASVAB | Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery; multiple-choice test to determine qualification for enlistment in U.S. armed forces |
AYP | Adequate Yearly Progress; a term included in NCLB that indicates whether schools and districts have been successful in improving student achievement from one year to the next |
BAC | Building Assessment Coordinator |
BIP/BMP | Behavior Intervention Plan/Behavior Management Plan |
BOE | Board of Education |
BTTP | Bilingual Teacher Training Program |
CACFP | Child and Adult Care Food Program; a program administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture that provides meals and snacks to children and adults in need |
CAST | Center for Applied Special Technology |
CBA | Curriculum-Based Assessment |
CBEST | California Basic Educational Skills Test |
CCLD | Collaborative Center for Literacy Development |
CCSSO | Council for Chief State School Officers |
CDC | Centers for Disease Control |
CDE | California Department of Education |
CDIP/CSIP | Consolidated District or School Improvement Planning; a process that integrates instructional improvement with student learning results |
CEC | Council for Exceptional Children |
CECC | Community Early Childhood Council |
CECAS | Comprehensive Exceptional Children Accountability System |
CEDARS | Common Education Data Analysis & Reporting System |
CFR | Code of Federal Regulations |
CIITS | Continuous Instructional Improvement Technology System; provides student data and teaching resources directly to teachers and principals when and where they most need it |
CIP | Comprehensive Improvement Planning |
COMPASS | College placement tests used to evaluate incoming students in reading, writing, and math skills |
CPE | Council on Postsecondary Education |
CPSE | Committee of Preschool Special Education |
CSD | Classified Staff Data |
CSE | Committee on Special Education |
CSIP | Comprehensive School Improvement Plan |
CST | Child Study Team |
CTC | Commission on Teacher Credentialing |
CTE | Career and Technical Education |
CTL | Collaborative for Teaching and Learning |
DAC | District Assessment Coordinator |
DAGC | District Achievement Gap Coordinator |
DECA | Distributive Education Clubs of America |
DLI | Dual Language Immersion – elementary school classes that offer students an opportunity to learn instruction via multiple languages |
DLL | Dual Language Learning |
DOK | Depth of Knowledge; the level of knowledge or learning expected at various grade levels or during a course of study |
DPH | Department of Public Health |
DWoK | Different Ways of Knowing |
EAARS | Education Assessment and Accountability Review Subcommittee |
ECS | Education Commission of the States |
EDDIE | Educational Directory & Demographical Information Exchange |
EDGAR | Education Department General Administrative Regulations |
EIAC | Educational Improvement Advisory Committee |
ELAP | English Language Acquisition Program |
ELDC | Educational Leadership Development Collaborative |
ELL | English Language Learner |
ELP | English language Proficiency |
EOG | End-of-Grade |
EPSB | Education Professional Standards Board |
ERIC | Educational Resources Information Center |
ERIG | Early Reading Incentive Grant |
ERS | Educational Recovery Staff; teachers, administrators, and other certified staff that support improved teaching and learning |
ESEA | Elementary and Secondary Education Act |
ESL | English as a Second Language; a program that provides instruction for students whose first language is not English |
ESS | Extended School Services; programs providing additional instruction and support through longer days, weeks, or years for students who are at risk of not meeting academic expectations |
ESSA | The Every Student Succeeds Act |
ESSER | Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund |
ESY | Extended School Year Services |
ETS | Educational Testing Service |
EVAAS | Education Value Added Assessment System |
FAPE | Free Appropriate Public Education |
FBLA | Future Business Leaders of America |
FCCLA | Family, Careers, and Community Leaders of America |
FEA | Future Educators of America |
FERPA | Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act |
FRL | Free and Reduced Priced Lunch |
FRYSC | Family Resource and Youth Services Center |
FSP | Family Support Plan |
FTE | Full-Time Equivalent |
GATE | Gifted and Talented Education |
GE | General Education |
GED | General Education Diploma/General Educational Development |
GPA | Grade Point Average |
HOSA | Health Occupations Students of America |
HSE | Highly Skilled Educators – an assistance program designed to support and turn around low-performing schools |
HSTW | High Schools That Work; a cooperative effort with the Southern Regional Education Board that integrates challenging academic courses and modern vocational studies to raise the achievement levels of career-bound |
IB | International Baccalaureate; a program of international education for students aged 3 to 19 |
IDA | International Dyslexia Association |
IEE | Independent Educational Evaluation |
IDEA | Individuals with Disabilities Education Act |
IEP | Individualized Education Program |
IPT | IDEA Proficiency Test |
LCAP | Local Control and Accountability Plan |
LCFF | Local Control Funding Formula |
LEA | Local Education Agency |
LRC | Legislative Research Commission |
LRE | Least Restrictive Environment |
LSAC | Local Superintendent Advisory Committee |
LSBMAC | Local School Board Member Advisory Council |
Manipulative | concrete or hands-on instructional materials and games used in the classroom to introduce and reinforce skills |
McKinney-Vento | McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act of 1987 provides federal funding for youth experiencing homelessness. |
MERR | Minority Educator Recruitment and Retention |
MSIP | Minority Superintendent Internship Program; a program designed to identify, prepare, and support minority candidates for school superintendent positions |
MTSS | Multi-Tiered Systems of Support |
Multi-age/ Multi-ability Grouping | grouping children who have been in school different numbers of years in the same classroom |
Multicultural Education | interdisciplinary, cross-cultural education that prepares students to live and work in a diverse world |
NABSE | National Alliance of Black School Educators |
NAEP | National Assessment of Educational Progress; assessments of samples of students in each state on a variety of subject areas |
NAEYC | National Association for the Education of Young Children |
NASBE | National Association of State Boards of Education |
NBCT | National Board Certified Teacher |
NBPTS | National Board for Professional Teaching Standards |
NCATE | National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education |
NSLP | National School Lunch Program |
OCR | Office for Civil Rights |
On-demand Writing | timed, structured writing assessments that require extended writing, including essays, letters, and compositions |
PAC | Parent Advisory Council |
PBIS | Positive Behavior Intervention and Support |
PD | Professional Development |
PEP | Personalized Education Plan |
PICOUP | Person In Charge of Unlocking Potential Award |
PLCs | Professional Learning Communities; a collegial group of administrators and school staff who are united in their commitment to student learning by sharing a vision, working and learning collaboratively, visiting and reviewing other classrooms, and participating in decision-making |
PSAT | Pre-Scholastic Assessment Test |
PTA | Parent Teacher Association |
PTO | Parent Teacher Organization -OR- Paid Time Off |
RSP | Resource Specialist Program |
RTA | Read to Achieve; a state grant program that focuses on reading diagnostic and intensive reading intervention for struggling readers within the state primary program |
RttT | Race to the Top |
SAT | Scholastic Aptitude Test |
SBE | State Board of Education |
SEA | State Education Agency |
SIP | School Improvement Plan |
SIS | Student Information System |
SMT | Simultaneous Multisensory Teaching |
SSI | Supplemental Security Income |
STEM | Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics |
STEAM | Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics |
TIMS | Transportation Information Management System |
USDE | United States Department of Education |
UTK | Universal Transitional Kindergarten |
VR | Virtual Reality |
YRBS | Youth Risk Behavior Survey |
YRBSS | Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System |
501 (c)(3) | The section of the tax code that defines nonprofit, charitable, or tax-exempt organizations; 501(c)(3) organizations are further defined as public charities, private operating foundations, and private non-operating foundations. |
A-21 | “Cost Principles for Educational Institutions” – a circular published by the Federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB) that establishes the principals determining costs within education system such as grants, research, development, or other work. |
Allowable Costs | Things that can be purchased or paid for with grant funds. |
AOR | Authorized Organizational Representative |
ARRA | The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 – the federal legislation authorizing billions of dollars in program funding and tax cuts, referred to originally as the “Stimulus Bill,” “Stimulus Package,” or “HR 1.” |
Annual Report | A report created by an organization and foundation that describes its yearly fiscal activities. These reports can be made to grantmaking organizations to ensure that money is being used as allowed. |
Assets | The amount of capital or principal owned by a foundation or organization such as money, stocks, bonds, real estate, etc. |
Audit | Review of a project’s or agency’s fiscal activities. |
Beneficiary | The individual or organization receiving funds. |
Bequests | A donation or gift that has few or no obligations attached to it. The lack of restrictions makes these types of donations desirable. |
Block Grants | Formula funds that are not allocated to a specific category and are more flexibly distributed. |
Boilerplate Materials | Generic verbiage used in an agreement that expresses generalized or standardized terms. Sometimes boilerplate language is used as a placeholder until more specific details or personalized material can be added that actually reflect the document’s matter. |
BAA | Broad Agency Announcement – An announcement of a federal agency’s research interests, under which awards and proposals can be made. |
Budget | A detailed statement outlining a project’s or organization’s anticipated costs for a fixed period of time. |
Budget Adjustment | An amendment to the initial budget statement. |
Budget Narrative | Text that describes a budget’s purpose or relevance to a project’s mission. |
Budget Period | A delineation of time for a budget statement. |
CAGE | Commercial and Government Entity |
Capital Expenses | Large purchases such as buildings, land, vehicles, or major equipment. |
Capital Support | Funds for the purchase of large endowments such as buildings, land, vehicles, or major equipment. |
CAS | Cost Accounting Standards – federally mandated accounting standards intended to ensure uniformity in budgeting and spending funds. |
CBO | Community-Based Organization – an organization that provides human services and is a part of a particular community, usually characterized as a public charity. |
CDBG | Community Development Block Grant – a program of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development that funds local community development. A block grant is less specific than a categorical grant as funds can be used more loosely. |
CD-ROM | Compact Disk-Read Only Memory – a computer disk that allows for information to be “written” on it and passed to other technologies. |
CFDA Number | Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number – the CFDA is the encyclopedia of all funding programs. It’s the way all grants are categorized. |
CFR | Code of Federal Regulations – the rules and requirements published by federal administrative agencies and departments, like HUD, the Dept. of Education, and the like. |
Challenge Grant | A grant awarded only if the receiving organization can match the funds given. This is used to inspire donors to the organization along with grant funds. |
Change Order | A written order signed by a contractor to make changes to an existing contract. |
Charitable Foundation | Legally categorized as a nonprofit organization. A charitable foundation either donates funds and support to other organizations or provides the source of funding for its own charitable purposes. It differs from a private foundation in that it is not endowed by an individual or family but solicits funds from the public. |
Close Out | The act of completing all remaining actions to terminate a project. |
Collaborator | An individual or agency who works in partnership with another organization. |
Community Foundation | A 501(c)(3) organization that makes grants for charitable purposes in a specific community or region. Community foundations can be classified as private or public charities. |
Community Fund | Funds for an organized community program used for the ongoing operations of that community. |
Company-Sponsored Foundation | A private foundation whose assets are derived primarily from the contributions of a for-profit business. While a company-sponsored foundation may maintain close ties with its parent company, it is an independent organization with its own endowment and as such is subject to the same rules and regulations as other private foundations. |
Competing Proposals | Proposals that are submitted for the first time or unfunded proposals that are resubmitted and must compete for new or further funds. |
Concept Paper | A preliminary application, a lot shorter than a proposal. |
Consortium | Two or more organizations that work on a similar project. |
Continuation Project (Non-Competing) | A project approved for multi-year funding, though funds may be administered yearly. For grant funded projects or cooperative agreements on a specific project. |
CoC | Continuum of Care – authorized under the several “McKinney-Vento Act” programs administered by HUD, Continuum of Care funds are allocated at the local level by regional agencies to provide services to the homeless. |
Contract | A document that legally outlines an agreement and obligations between two or more parties. |
Cooperative Venture | A joint effort between or among two or more grantmakers in which they share funding responsibilities or other resources. |
Corporate Foundation | A foundation set up by a corporate entity. Usually refers to a private foundation which is overseen by a board or trustees. |
Corporate Giving Program | A grantmaking program established and administered within a for-profit corporation. Their grant endowments usually come out of corporate profits. Corporate giving programs are not subject to the same reporting requirements as corporate foundations. |
Cost-Reimbursement Type Contract/Grant | A contract/grant for which the sponsor pays for the full costs incurred in the conduct of the work up to an agreed-upon amount. |
Cost Sharing | Describes virtually any type of arrangement in which more than one party supports research, equipment acquisition, demonstration projects, programs, and institutions. |
CSBG | Community Services Block Grant Program – a program of the Office of Community Services (OCS) that allocates funding smaller cities and rural areas; funds can be used for a variety of human services, job training and other projects that benefit low-income persons. |
Deficit | Expenditures exceed funds available. |
DHHS | Department of Health and Human Services – the federal department that oversees national health and human services. |
Direct Costs | Specific costs that are directly related to the project. |
Discretionary Grants | Awarded on a competitive basis as opposed to a formula grant |
Distribution Committee | The committee responsible for issuing grant funds of which the persons are usually representative of the giving organization. |
DOC | Department of Commerce – the federal department that oversees commercial activity. |
DOE | Department of Energy – the federal department charged with overseeing issues relating to energy production, consumption, and research. This shouldn’t be confused with the Department of Education, which is usually written as Dept. of Education or USDE. |
Donation | A gift or contribution that can be made with or without restrictions. |
Donee | The recipient of funds, also known as the grantee or the beneficiary. |
Donor | An individual or organization that gives funds to a donee or recipient, also known as the grantor. |
DUNS | Dun and Bradstreet Data Universal Numbering System – a DUNS number is a 9-digit identification number that helps the federal government keep track of the grant funds it hands out. |
E-Application | Electronic grant application system – an online application for federal grants. |
EDA | Economic Development Administration – the federal department in charge of increasing jobs and job training. It also promotes economic development by creating jobs through infrastructure improvements. |
EDGAR | Education Department General Administration Regulations – the Department that sets requirements for grant distribution. |
EHB(s) | Electronic Handbook(s) Health Resources and Service Administration’s (HRSA) – an online system for reviewing grant applications or posting opportunities related to the HRSA, an agency of the Department of Health and Human Resources. The HRSA is mostly concerned with access to health services, especially relating to the uninsured and medically vulnerable. |
EIN | Entity Identification System |
Employee Matching Grant | A donation given to a charitable contribution that is matched by a person’s employer. The employee will choose the organization or school of his/her/their choice and the company or employer will match those funds. |
Encumbrance | Funds set aside until certain expenses are made first. |
Endowment | A donation with restrictions that usually requires only a certain amount of money be spent over time. This allows the funds to have a longer-term effect than if spent at once. |
ERA | Electronic Research Administration – an online database that monitors grant applications, awards, distribution of funds, and other grantmaking processes. The ERA operates under the Department of Health and Human Services. |
ERIC | Educational Resources Information Center – a federally funded website that provides resources and information on education. This website could be a great resource for grant applicants. Visit for more information. |
ESEA | Elementary & Secondary Education Act – a federal statute enacted in 1965 and now reauthorized under the No Child Left Behind Act that substantially funds Elementary and Secondary Education. |
Expenditure Responsibility | When an organization that is not directly related to charity receives a grant for charitable purposes, it must exert all reasonable effort to demonstrate that it will use the funds properly. This is a requirement made by the IRS. |
Expiration Date | The end date of a project or funding period. |
Extension | An additional period of time given to complete a project or to utilize more funding. |
F&A Costs | Facilities and Administrative Costs – expenses related to general procedures or office needs and therefore cannot be outlined specifically to a donor/grantor. |
Family Foundation | An independent private foundation whose funds are derived from members of a single family. Family members often serve as officers or board members of family foundations and have a significant role in their grantmaking decisions. |
FBO | Faith-Based Organization – an organization that operates on basis of their particular faith. This organization usually provides services pertaining to their values, however recipients are not always required to be of the same faith or value-system. |
Federated Giving Program | Funds administered by a non-profit “umbrella” organization (i.e. the United Way of America) that in turn distributes funds to other non-profits. This umbrella organization is in charge of collecting and tracking the funds. |
FEMA | The Federal Emergency Management Agency – a subdivision of the Department of Homeland Security. It is charged with disaster response and declaring the official “state of emergency”. |
FFO | Federal Funding Opportunity – another way to say “RFP” or announce that funding is available by the federal government. |
FHA | Federal Housing Administration – as a subdivision of HUD, it is the largest provider of insurance on mortgage loans. |
Fiduciary Agency | The agency or organization that receives grant funding and is in charge of its use. |
Final Report | The report given upon completion of a project, usually required by a grantor. |
Fiscal Sponsorship | The offering of an organization’s legal tax-exempt status to another organization with a similar mission or project. |
FOA | Funding Opportunity Announcement – another term for “RFP” or to announce that funding is available. |
Form 990 | The form submitted to the IRS by a non-profit reporting its annual fiscal activities. |
Form 990-PF | The form submitted to the IRS by a private foundation reporting its annual fiscal activities. |
Formula Grants | A noncompetitive award grant based on a pre-determined formula. The formula can be derived from demographic information, unemployment rates, poverty levels, etc. and is an attempt to quantify the need for aid. Formula grants are primarily administered by the State. |
FP | Fixed-Price Contract/Grant – a contract or grant where one organization or agency pays another a fixed, predetermined cost regardless of the actual costs of a given project or operation. Also known as a lump-sum grant. |
FR | Federal Register – the registry of all grants approved by Congress. Grant opportunities are listed on the website. |
FTE | Full-Time Equivalent |
Funding Cycle | The period of time over which proposals for funding are received, accepted, and distributed. |
Funding Priorities | A subject area or focus that a giving organization prioritizes in decisions about funding. |
FY | Fiscal Year – the 12-month period of a budget. |
GAAP | Generally Accepted Accounting Principles |
GAN | Grant Award Notification |
GAO | Government Accounting Office |
GDF | Grant Data Form |
General/Operating Support | Funding for the basic operations of an agency or organization. |
General Purpose Foundation | A private foundation that awards funds for vast and varied subject matters. |
Gift | A donation given with little or no requirements for usage. |
GMO | Grants Management Officer |
GPG | Grant Proposal Guide |
Grant | A type of financial assistance that requires a proposal of the project or organization’s activities followed by a review process and award of funds. |
Grant Seeker | An individual, school, organization, agency, etc. looking to apply for grant funding. |
Grantee | An individual, school, organization, agency, etc. responsible for giving out grant funding. |
Grantee Financial Report | A report outlining how given funds were used as per requirement by the beneficiary. |
Grantor/Grant Maker | The party distributing funds. |
Grantmaking Foundation | Also known as a nonoperating foundation. A grantmaking foundation achieves its purposes indirectly by giving funds to other organizations rather than carrying out goals directly, as with an operating foundation. |
Grassroots Fundraising | Raising money through local efforts or on a broad scale through the public. This type of fundraising usually entails gathering many smaller donations by individuals. |
Guidelines | The requirements listed by a grantor for funding or in application for funding. |
HUD | The Department of Housing and Urban Development – the federal department that oversees housing matters, including Section 8 vouchers, public housing, FHA financing, etc. |
IFB | Invitation for Bid – an invitation for contractors to offer services or products to contribute to a solicitor’s project. The lowest bid is then chosen by the solicitor. |
IHE | Institute of Higher Education – a post-secondary school responsible for education after grade 12 (i.e. university, vocational school, community college). |
Incremental Funding | Funding a project or organization in pieces rather than in lump-sum. |
Independent Foundation | A grantmaking organization that is usually classified by the IRS as a private foundation. Independent foundations may also be known as family foundations, general purpose foundations, special purpose foundations, or private non-operating foundations. |
Indirect Cost Rate | The percentage of indirect costs to direct costs formulated into a standardized rate and applied to Local Education Agencies by the CDE in order to appropriately charge individual agencies for their indirect costs. |
Indirect Costs (IDC) | A type of expense that is comprised of general administrative costs, such as office supplies, maintenance, travel, etc. |
In-Kind Contribution | A non-monetary contribution to an individual or agency such as a service or consultation. |
Interim Funding | The authorizing of spending funds before the award of funds takes effect. |
Investigator-Initiated Proposal | A proposal submitted to a sponsor without being prompted by an RFP or announcement of funding. |
IP | Intellectual Property |
Key Personnel | The main personnel working on a specified project. |
LAHSA | Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority – the joint Los Angeles city and county organization charged with addressing homelessness issues in L.A. County funded through “Continuum of Care”. |
LEA | Local Educational Agency – synonymous for school district. |
Letter of Inquiry/ Letter of Intent (LOI) | A letter outlining an organization’s project sent to a grantor to determine if it’s appropriate to apply for funding. Many grantmakers prefer to be contacted in this way before receiving a full proposal. |
Letter of Support | A letter from the beneficiary expressing financial support of the proposed project. |
Leverage | Using funds the organization or agency already has to secure other funds. |
LOC | Limitation of Cost – a contractual expression of a limit to funds. If costs exceed the funds promised, the giving organization is not responsible for reimbursement. |
Matching Grant | Grant given if parallel funds are raised, usually dollar-for-dollar. |
MOA | Memorandum of Agreement – an MOA or cooperative agreement is a document written between two parties to work cooperatively together on a project or to meet an objective. The purpose of a MOA is to have a written understanding of the agreement between the two parties. |
MOU | Memorandum of Understanding – a document describing a bilateral or multilateral agreement between parties expressing a shared objective or project. |
Mission | An organization’s stated purpose, meant to answer a specific issue or provide a specific service. |
Modification | An award document that modifies any aspect of an existing award. |
Narrative | The prose, or written explanation, of the project design and purpose of the grant request. |
NCES | National Center for Education Statistics |
New and Competing Proposals | Proposals that are submitted for the first time or ongoing projects that must re-compete for funding prior to expiration of the original award. |
New Award | Either an award not previously given or a new award given to replace or extend a previous donation. |
NGA | Notice of Grant Award |
No Cost Time Extension | An extension of time to finish a project or receive more funding without extra cost. |
NOA | Notice of Award |
NOFA | Notice of Funding Availability |
Non-Allowable Costs | The items or services that cannot be purchased with grant money. |
Non-Operating Foundation | A non-operating foundation achieves its goals by giving funds to other organizations, rather than an operating foundation that uses its funds to achieve its purposes directly. Also known as a “grantmaking” foundation. |
NSF | National Science Foundation – a federal department that oversees research and development in the field of science. |
OELA | Office of English Language Acquisition – a program of the United States Department of Education. The OELA provides bilingual education for English language learners. |
OESE | Office of Elementary and Secondary Education – a program of the United States Department of Education. The OESE’s purpose is to promote academic excellence and enhance educational opportunities and equity for all American children and families. |
OJJDP | Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention – an office under the Department of Justice responsible for addressing juvenile delinquency prevention. |
OMB Circulars | Office of Management & Budget Regulatory Circulars – regulatory circulars issued by the Office of Management & Budget (OMB). |
Operating Foundation | A foundation that uses its funds to achieve their goals directly. This is opposite of a non-operating foundation that uses its funds to give to other organizations to carry out their goals indirectly. |
Operating Support | Funds that cover costs for basic operations or office maintenance. |
OSERS | Office of Special Education & Rehabilitative Services – a program of the United States Department of Education. The OSERS serves people with disabilities in order to ensure equal opportunity, access to, and excellence in education, employment, and community living. |
Payout Requirement | The minimum amount private organizations must spend per year on charity. Quantitatively, this requirement must meet 5% of the average market value of its net investment assets in order to avoid paying excise taxes |
PD | Project Director |
Peer Review | A critical review or judgment of a proposal or work by other experts in the specified field. |
Performance Measure | A measurement that can be utilized to evaluate the success of a project. For example, the number of jobs created, the number of students enrolled. |
Performance Report | A requirement of the grantor to outline the success of a project. |
PP | Project Period – the stated amount of time a project will take. |
Pre-Proposal | A brief description, usually 2-10 pages, of project plans and an estimated budget that is submitted prior to a full proposal to determine appropriateness of the project to the grantor. Also called a Preliminary Proposal. |
PRI | Program-Related Investment – a loan or donation of funds with the prospect of return of the capital invested. |
Principal Investigator (PI) | The lead of a project or organization applying for grant funding. |
Prior Approval | The written documentation of requests for additional funds for actions not previously mentioned or not directly related to the project. |
Priority Score | A score formulated by a review board to determine which projects are more relevant and more likely to be awarded the grant. |
Private Foundation | A legal entity set up by an individual, family, or group of individuals for a purpose such as philanthropy. Unlike a charitable foundation, it does not generally solicit funds from the public. |
Private Sector Grants and Funding | Foundation and corporate grants that allocate funds to charitable organizations. |
Program Amount | The amount of funds used to maintain a particular program. |
Program Announcement (PA) | Describes available funds for a project. Maybe an expansion of previous interests or a change in interest. |
Program Officer | A staff member of a foundation who reviews grant proposals and processes applications on behalf of the board. |
Progress Report | Scheduled summary reports of a project. |
Project | The proposed plan of which funds are being requested. |
Proposal | A written application, sometimes with additional documents, to a grantmaker or supporting organization for funds, project support, or acceptance of services. |
Public Charity | A nonprofit organization that qualifies for tax-exempt status under section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code. Public charities are the recipients of most foundation and corporate grants. Some public charities also make grants. Also known as a 501(c)(3), community foundation. |
PWEDA | Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965 – this act authorizes many EDA activities and sets guidelines for how EDA’s money is supposed to be spent. |
Qualifying Distributions | Expenditures of a private foundation made to satisfy its annual payout requirement. |
RAT Board | Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board – the organization created by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 to provide transparency of recovery-related funds and to prevent against fraud. |
Regs | Regulations – the contractual rules and actions governing sponsored projects. |
Renewal | A competitively reviewed proposal requesting additional funds in order to extend a project. |
Replicability | Usually a requirement of grantmakers that a program can be reproduced easily or can be proved effective in multiple settings. |
Revision | A modified and resubmitted request for funding for a project that was previously rejected by the grantor or withdrawn by the grantee. |
RFA | Request for Application – an announcement of available funds. It is a simpler format than RFP. |
RFP | Request for Proposal – an announcement of available funds that is in a more complex format than RFA. RFP usually requires supplementary documents. |
Rolling Deadline | No specific closing date for applications. Proposals can be sent at any time. |
S&W | Salaries and Wage – payments made to employees of the organization for work performed. |
SAM | System for Award Management |
SAMHSA | Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration – a large subdivision of the Department of Health and Human Services responsible for addressing substance abuse and mental health. |
SBIR | Small Business Innovative Research – a government program coordinated by the Small Business Administration that ensures 2.5% of all research funding is granted to small businesses. |
SBTT | Small Business Technology Transfer – funding for small businesses in partnership with research institutions. |
Scope of Work/Statement of Work (SOW) | The description of the work to be performed and completed on a project. |
SEA | State Educational Agency – the government name for state-level agencies responsible for education and development of schools and residents. |
Seed Money | A grant or donation used to start a project or organization. |
Senior Personnel | The personnel charged with overseeing a project. |
Set-Asides | A private foundation may “set-aside” funds for a future project or contribution that doesn’t take place in the current fiscal year. These can be used as qualifying distributions as long as the set-aside takes place in the next 5 years. |
SF | Standard Form |
SF-424 | Standard Form 424 – this is the basic cover form for most federal grant applications. |
SGA | Solicitation for Grant Applications – a document issued by a funder to solicit grant applications. |
Special Purpose Foundation | A private foundation that focuses its grantmaking activities in a specific area of interest. |
Sponsor | The organization that funds a project. |
SSPOC | Single State Point of Contact State – a contact that districts must use when applying for certain federal grants. |
STEAM | Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math |
STEM | Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math – an acronym used in the education field to refer to the act of integrating these four curriculums and to focus classroom learning on the more “hands-on” approach of problem-solving and exploratory learning versus a teacher-focused approach. |
Stipend | Opposed to a formal salary, it does not measure the full work performed but provides a subsidy for the individual or agency’s maintenance. This could be a stipend for living expenses. Usually indicates that work is voluntary but that individual is receiving a small token for work performed (sometimes below minimum wage). |
Subgrants | Formula or competitive grants made from a larger grant. |
Supporting Documentation | Attachments to a grant proposal to describe project or use of funding, i.e. statistics, budgets, etc. |
Sustainability | Strategies to continue to address the need and/or population after grant money is terminated. |
Target Population | The direct beneficiaries of a project. |
Tax-Exempt | The status of organizations that do not have to pay taxes because of their charitable activities. Also refers to an individual’s or organization’s use of money that can be “written-off” as tax-exempt, such as a charitable donation. |
TC | Total Cost |
TDC | Total Direct Cost |
Teaming Agreement | An agreement between two or more parties to partner on a project together. |
Technical Assistance | Operational or management assistance given to nonprofit organizations. This type of help can include fundraising assistance, budgeting and financial planning, program planning, legal advice, marketing, etc. |
Terms of Award | The requirements of the award imposed on the recipient. |
TOA | Task Order Agreement – a legally binding document authorizing work and appropriating funds as a supplement to a original contract. |
Trustee | A foundation board member or officer who helps make decisions about how grant money is spent. |
UEI | Unique Entity Identifier |
Unilateral Award | An award made by a sponsor to an organization without considering competitive proposals. |
Unsolicited Proposal | A proposal submitted without the official request from the funding agency |
USDE | US Department of Education – the federal department that oversees education. |
ACO | Accountable Care Organization | Groups of doctors, hospitals, and other health care providers who coordinate and provide high quality care to Medicare patients. |
ADLs | Activities of Daily Living | The measurement of the functional status of an individual, especially in regards to seniors and people with disabilities. |
AHA | American Hospital Association | An organization that promotes quality health care in hospitals and other health care networks through public policy and providing information related to health care. |
AoA | Administration on Aging | The agency of the HHS assigned to assist elderly Americans remain independent in their communities. |
APHA | American Public Health Association | A D.C based organization for public health professionals that promotes preventative health services. |
ASTHO | Association of State and Territorial Health Officials | Represents the nation’s public health agencies and influences public health policy. |
BCHS | Bureau of Community Health Services | Funds community agencies that provide health services that primarily focus on health care accessibility for vulnerable, underserved and rural populations. |
CBA | Cost-Benefit Analysis | A systematic process to determine the benefits and costs of a project, decision or government policy, provides a basis for comparing projects. |
CBO | Community Based Care Transition Program | Created under the Affordable Care Act, tests models to improve care transitions and reduce re-admissions for high risk Medicare beneficiaries |
CDC | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | The federal department under the HHS that is responsible to protect public health and safety through disease control and prevention. |
CDSMP | Chronic Disease Self-Management Program, Stanford University | Serves as a model to provide older adults education to cope with chronic diseases and build confidence so they can enhance their quality of life. |
CMS | Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services previousing known as HCFA (Health Care Financing Administration) | A federal agency under the HHS that administers the Medicare program and works in partnership with state governments to administer Medicaid. |
CPS | Current Population Survey | The primary source of high-profile economic statistics which include information on labor force and unemployment which is sponsored by the US Census Bureau. |
CTI | Care Transitions Intervention | A type of intervention with the goal of improving transitions by promoting knowledge and self-management as patients move from hospital to home. |
DOT | Department of Transportation | The government agency responsible for regulating transportation and overseeing interstate travel. |
DPP | Diabetes Prevention Program | A program funded by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases to determine the safety and efficiency of interventions that prevent or delay diabetes. |
DRG | Diagnosis-Related Group | A patient classification system based on the diagnosis of distinct groupings of individuals. |
EPA | Environmental Protection Agency | The federal agency devoted to the maintenance and enforcement of a variety of environmental laws in accordance with state, tribal, and local governments. |
EPSDT | Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment | A program that provides comprehensive healthcare services for children under the age of twenty-one that are enrolled in Medicaid. |
FASEB | Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology | A non-profit organization that conducts biological and medical research and additionally holds academic conferences and publishes scientific literature. |
FCC | Federal Communications Commission | An independent agency of the US government that works on areas such as the media, broadband, public safety, and homeland security |
FMS | Financial Management Service | A bureau of the US Department of Treasury that provides several financial services for the federal government |
FTC | Federal Trade Commission | An independent agency of the US government that is responsible for consumer protection and the prevention and elimination of anti-competitive business practices |
FTT | Failure To Thrive | A notable delay in growth of an infant or young child |
FY | Fiscal Year | A period of time used to calculate annual financial statements in organizations and other businesses |
GAO | Government Accountability Office | The audit, evaluation, and investigation engine of the US Congress that helps to uncover waste and inefficiency in the federal government |
HHS | Department of Health and Human Services | The US department devoted to protecting the health of all Americans and provides essential human services |
HIS | Indian Health Service | An operating division under the HHS that is responsible for providing medical and public health services to members of federally recognized tribes and Alaskan natives |
HMO | Health Maintenance Organization | An organization that provides managed care for health insurance in the US and acts as a liaison between health care providers and customers |
HRSA | Health Resources and Services Administration | An agency under the HHS that is primarily responsible for improving access to health care services for uninsured and underinsured individuals |
HSP | Head Start Program | A program under the HHS that aims to provide comprehensive services to low income families and their respective children |
HUP | Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania | The oldest university-owned teaching hospital in the country |
IOM | Institute of Medicine, The National Academies | A non-profit organization that provides national recommendations on topics relating to biomedical science, medicine, and health |
MCHS | Maternal and Child Health Services | The oldest federal-state partnership that helps to ensure the health of mothers, youth, and children especially those with low-incomes or limited availability of care |
NAEHE | National Association of Extension Home Economists | A profession improvement organization that provided opportunities for member to improve their skills as home economists and adult educators |
NCI | National Cancer Institute | One of the eleven agencies that are part of the HHS which conducts research and information dissemination related to the causes, prevention, and treatment of cancer |
NH | Nursing Home | A private institution or company that provides long term care and residential accommodations with health care, especially for the elderly |
NHANES | National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey | A program that assesses the health of American adults and children which incorporates interviews and physical examinations as part of the studies |
NIA | National Institute on Aging | The primary agency under HSS that leads scientific effort in order to understand the nature of aging and conducts Alzheimer’s disease research |
NIH | National Institute of Health | An agency under the HHS that is responsible for biomedical and health related research |
NRC/NAS | National Research Council/National Academy of Science | The council under the US National Academies that produces reports that shape policies, inform public opinion, and furthers the pursuit of science, medicine, and engineering |
NSF | National Science Foundation | A US government agency that supports research and education in all non-medical fields of science and engineering |
NWA | National WIC (Women, Infants, Children) Association | An organization that works on behalf of the WIC program in order to gain bipartisan support in the US Congress and raise awareness about early childhood nutrition |
OAA | Older Americans Act | The first federal level initiative that was aimed to provide comprehensive services for aging adults |
ODPHP | Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion | The office under the HHS that coordinates disease prevention, healthy lifestyles, and health literacy across the US |
OMB | Office of Management and Budget | The executive office that is responsible to measure the quality of agency programs, policies, procedures and evaluates if they are in line with the President’s policies |
OTA | Office of Technology Assessment | An office of the US Congress from 1972 to 1995 that was created to provide Congressional members with analysis on complex scientific and technical issues of the late twentieth century |
PAHO | Pan American Health Organization | A public health agency that is recognized by the United Nations that works to improve the health and living standards of the people living in the Americas |
PCPFS | President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports | An organization under the office of Public Health and Science that works to motivate Americans of all ages to maintain healthy lifestyles and be physically active |
PL | Public Law | Law that concerns relationships between individuals and the government such as constitutional law, criminal law, and tax law |
PPO | Preferred Provider Organization | A managed care organization of health care providers that work with an insurer to provide clients with healthcare at reduced rates |
PSRO | Professional Standards Review Organization | A group that monitors government health insurance programs and assesses the quality and cost of health care |
QALY | Quality Adjusted Life Year | A cost utility analysis used to measure the number of years added to an individual’s life by medical intervention |
QIO | Quality Improvement Organization | Private contractors of the US federal government that monitor the efficacy of healthcare to Medicare beneficiaries |
RUMBA | Quality Assurance Criteria (Acronym for Relevant, Understandable, Measurable, Behavioral, Achievable) | A program designed to instill an understanding for quality care |
SOAP | Subjective data, Objective data, Assessment, and Plan | A process of documentation that health care providers utilize to track their patients’ progress |
SOW | Statement of Work | A formal document that details the work activities and timeline of a vendor that must be completed for the client |
SSA | Social Security Administration | An independent agency of the US that is in charge of Social Security, a social insurance program that supplies retirement, survivor, and disability benefits |
UNESCO | United Nations Economic and Social Council | An organization that promotes international peace and security through the collaboration of education, science, and culture |
UNICEF | United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund | A program that provides long term humanitarian assistance to children in developing nations |
USAID | Unites States Agency for International Development | The US federal agency responsible for assisting in economic, development and humanitarian foreign aid |
USPHS | US Public Health Service | The primary division of the HHS that is overseen by the Surgeon General and composed of public health professionals dedicated to health promotion and disease prevention |
VA | Veterans Administration | The US department that is responsible for running the Veteran benefit system that includes medical facilities and clinics |
VD-HCBS | Veterans Directed Home and Community Based Services | A program under the VA that provides services to Veterans of all ages who are in need of assistance with activities of daily living, skilled services, and case management |
VHA | Veterans Health Administration | The integrated health care system under the VA that serves over eight million Veterans each year |
WHO | World Health Organization | The specialized agency of the UN that is devoted to international public health |
WIC | Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants and Children | A federal assistance program that is responsible for the healthcare of low-income pregnant women, breastfeeding women, and children under the age of five |
YRBS | Youth Risk Behavior Survey | A biannual survey conducted by the CDC that documents adolescent health risk behaviors such as drinking, smoking, and drug use |
Instead of: Try:
You Guys or Ladies and Gentlemen | folks, y’all, everyone |
Husband/Wife/Boyfriend/Girlfriend | spouse, partner, first name |
Mom and Dad | parents, caregivers, grownup, responsible adult |
Fireman, Policeman, Mankind | firefighter, police officer, humankind |
Chief/Chairman | chair or chairperson |
Tribe | squad, team, group |
Low man on the totem pole | understudy, secondary role, least significant |
Pow-wow | huddle, meeting, gathering |
That’s crazy/insane | unexpected, silly, wild |
Guru | expert, tutor, leader, guide, advisor |
You killed it | you rocked it, or, you did awesomely |
Bullet point(s) | points, list, indicators |
Dodged a bullet | close call, near miss |
Master (Ex: master list, master key) | main or primary |
Blacklist | blocklist |
Peanut gallery | observers |
Handicap, Disabled people | people/person with disabilities |
Divide and conquer | come between, tear apart |
Grandfathered in | exempted, preauthorized, excused |
Slaving away | working hard |
Cracking the whip | domineering, demanding |
Stakeholder | partner, interested or affected parties, collaborator |
Seen or Heard | valued, important, significant |
Crazy or Insane | unpredictable, wild, confusing |
Lame | uninteresting, uncool, lacks excitement |
Gyp or Gypped | shortchanged, bamboozled, hoodwinked |
Bingeing | indulged, spree, satiated |
Ninja | expert, whiz, ace |
Spirit Animal | kindred spirit,raison d’être |
Active Attack | An attack in which the attacker seeks to alter the system used, not just to learn information as with a “passive attack”. This usually results in a manipulation or unauthorized download of files. |
Attack | An attempt to gain unauthorized access into a system in order to alter or learn information about the system being used. |
Ad Blocker/Killer | A program that helps to prevent popup advertisements from appearing on your screen. |
Administrative Security | The basic requirement of security for a network of users or computer system. |
Adware | Automatically displays or downloads advertisements to a computer, usually as a popup. Adware by itself is harmless, but can be coupled with spyware or software that illegally obtains information about the user’s computer. |
Alert | A message that notifies the computer user of a security measure. |
AntiSpam | A software or service that helps prevent unsolicited mail and stops the spammer from keeping email addresses on the spam list. |
Application Level Gateway | A firewall system or proxy server that monitors traffic between the host or trusted server and an un-trusted server. It ensures that the information passing through is authorized by the computer user. |
Attachment | A file that can be added to an e-mail, blog, or other online device such as documents, pictures, or songs. Exercise caution with any unknown attachments as they may contain viruses. |
Automated Information System (AIS) | A connection of a system of computers, hardware, or software to an information processing device that does work like communication, computation, or dissemination of information. |
Back Door | A hole in the security of a computer system by which normal authorization of use can be bypassed. This could happen because of an installed program or software. |
Blacklisting Software | A type of software that blocks specified harmful sites from your computer. |
Blocking Software | A software that blocks harmful websites or incoming data from online. |
Blog | An online diary or log which can include pictures, links, or other forms of media. It is updated frequently and sometimes organized by specific subjects, such as politics, news, or pop culture. |
Bookmark | A way to save a website in your browser’s toolbar for future use. |
Breach | A violation of the security of a network or computer system. |
Browser | A program that allows users to view web pages like Firefox or Safari. |
Buffer Overflow | When more data is put into the buffer or a holding area than can be processed. An overflow can cause a computer crash or infiltration by an unwanted user. |
Bug | An unwanted program or hardware that damages a computer’s ability to function. |
Chat | Real-time communication in which individuals can send and receive messages instantly. Chats are a component of instant messaging. |
Chat Acronym | An acronym used to communicate phrases. i.e. LOL (laugh out loud), ASL (age/sex/location), BRB (Be right back), etc. |
Chat Room | An interactive forum where individuals can talk in real-time. Many chat rooms are themed by subjects to discuss, but they can also be formed to talk informally, with strangers or with friends. |
Click-reload | A popup that opens when you click on a link which at the same times reloads more popup windows. |
Cookie | These are files that store information about what is typed on the Internet, such as usernames, passwords, or phone numbers that can be enabled or deleted. |
Cyberbullying | Using the Internet to intimate another person such as through email, social media, or instant messaging. |
Cyberspace | Commonly known as the internet, it is a web of computers and systems that interact online. |
Cyberstalking/Harassment | Terms that can refer to the online enticement of children; threatening messages, harmful gossip, or sexual solicitation. |
Domain Name | A name the represents the Internet Protocol (IP) address of a website. i.e. is a domain name. |
Download | Information received online or from other computers that you can view or save. |
A service that allows people to send messages with text, pictures, files, or sound to other people around the world. Popular email servers are gmail, yahoo, and hotmail. | |
Email Worm | A harmful, self-replicating program which can spread over computer networks through email. |
Emoticons | Icons or keyboard combinations that represent facial expressions. They can be sent via email, messaging, or social media. Examples -_- |
File-sharing Program | A program that allows multiple users to exchange files, such as pictures, songs, or even other programs. Exercise caution when downloading shared files as some may contain viruses or illegal material. |
Filtering Software | Software that screens unwanted Internet content. |
Firewall | A device or wall that separates permitted users and information from denied access. This prevents unwanted information like spam and viruses as well as unwanted users from infiltrating the system. |
Firmware | A hardware that controls internally some other device. Examples of firmware are keyboards, hard disks, or memory cards. |
Flaming | Sending offensive messages to others on the Internet. |
Freeware | Computer software that is available for use at no cost. Sometimes the software has user restrictions such as a time period it can be used or does not function as fully as the paid software. |
Gamer | Someone who plays online computer or video games. |
Geolocation Services | A service that shares a user’s location with their friends or with other users. Some examples include Facebook Places or Foursquare. |
Grooming | Known as the process a predator uses to try and lure youth through compliments or gifts. |
Hacker | A person who hacks into a computer system illegally. |
Hardware | A general term for equipment that can be held/used by hand such as floppy disks, hard drives, or CD’s. |
History | A list of recently viewed or visited web pages. It’s important to check your children’s website history to see what sites they have visited. |
Homepage | The main web page set up in your browser when you first open it. |
Hyperlinks | An image or text that connects one web page to another or can also be used to access pictures, sound bites, or files. |
Icons | Pictures that represent the programs or files on your computer. |
Instant Messaging | A service that allows people to send and get messages instantly. Examples include AIM, Windows Messenger, or Yahoo Messenger. |
Internet Service Provider (ISP) | A company that provides Internet access to customers, like Cox or AT&T. |
IP Address | An Internet Protocol (IP) address is a numeric label given to identify devices that use ISPs for communication. They can be given temporarily or “loaned” out by ISPs. |
IP Splicing/Hijacking | An action in which an unauthorized user hacks an IP address to use the host’s server. |
Key | A symbol or sequence of symbols applied to text in order to encrypt or decrypt. |
Local Area Network (LAN) | A computer network that interconnects computers in a limited area such as a home, school, computer lab, or office building. The positives of LANs verses a Wide Area Network (WAN) is that they can transfer higher amounts of data in a smaller geographic area. |
Monitoring Software | Products that allow individuals to track what web sites or emails are being visited or viewed by other users. This is an important software to ensure internet safety for children. |
Mouse Trapping | A commonly used technique by pornography sites where a user gets trapped in a website. A user clicks on a website that opens other undesirable windows with illicit or unsolicited material. |
Netiquette | Short for “Internet etiquette,” it can be an unspoken or spoken list of guidelines that define courtesy and proper behavior over the internet. |
Passive attack | At attempt to break into a computer system to learn unauthorized information. Opposed to an “active attack” in which the system is actually altered. |
Pharming | An online scam in which a user is given a seemingly valid website but is actually a ploy to get the user’s personal information. |
Phishing | An online scam that uses email to “fish” for a user’s private information by imitating another company. The scammers will make a mock website that appears to be a real company but instead takes your credit card information or any other private information given by interacting with the fake company. |
Phreaking | The skill of cracking the phone network. |
Piracy | Illegally downloading copyrighted software, music, or movies. |
Plug-in | A plug in will allow your computer to access information it couldn’t on its own, such as obtaining media files with a Flash player or QuickTime. |
Podcast | An audio show that broadcasts over the web music, lectures, book readings, speeches, etc. |
Popup | A new browser window that appears unrequested on your screen, usually an advertisement. |
Post | To leave a message on a bulletin board or social networking site. |
Profile | A personal homepage where users can share their information to others via social media. For example, Facebook and MySpace require users to create a profile. |
Protocol | A specification of rules that computers and related devices must follow in order to communicate over a shared network. |
Proxy Server | A firewall that monitors the traffic between servers or users based on rules for filtering or specified protocol. |
RDF Site Summary (RSS) | A web feed format that allows new content to be viewed immediately. |
Search Engine | A program that searches information on the Internet by looking for specific keywords and returns a list of information found on that topic. I.e. Google |
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) | A way of increasing the traffic that goes to a web page by inserting desirable key words. |
Sexting | The sending or posting of nude or partially nude images. It can also include sending sexually illicit text messages to another person. Be sure to check youth’s texting for such material. |
Smart Phone | A cell phone that has capabilities similar to computers and are usually managed by applications. Applications are downloading that allow the user to access documents, social media, email, etc. |
Snarf | To grab a large document or file for the purpose of using it with or without the host’s permission. |
Social Networking Site | A website specifically focused on the building of social networks for business, personal, political, or any other unspecified reasons. |
Software | A collection of computer programs and related data that provide instructions for telling a computer what to do and how to do it. Unlike hardware, software cannot be held or used by hands. |
Spam | Unwanted e-mail from someone you don’t know, usually trying to sell something. |
Spimming | Using instant messaging to send individuals unsolicited material, usually pornography sites. |
Spoofing | Pretending to be someone else in order to perform an illegal action. |
Spyware | A type of malware, or malicious software, which collects information about users without their knowledge. Spyware is also very difficult to detect. |
Streaming | The exchange of video clips, sound, or other types of media over the Internet. With streaming, the user can view or listen to the file without it downloading completely. Hulu, an online television website, utilizes this technique for displaying videos. |
Temporary Internet Files | A folder on your computer that will show you every site visited. Be sure to check these files to ensure that children have not visited illicit web pages. |
Texting | Sending or receiving instant messages via phone, sometimes over the Internet. |
Toolbar | A row across the top of a screen with icons that when clicked, activate certain functions of the program. I.e. in Microsoft Word the toolbar displays ways to alter font, such as italics, bold, or underline. |
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) | The primary communications protocol that is used on the Internet. |
Virtual Private Network (VPN) | A network that primarily uses internet to connect computers to a central network. |
Virus | A computer program that can destroy files or can make your computer “crash.” Viruses can be sent through email or any other type of file-sharing. Be sure to download anti-virus software and monitor files received in order to prevent system infiltrations. |
Web 2.0 | The evolution of the Internet which allows users to create their own content and put it on the Web, not just the downloading of content by users. Sites like Facebook and YouTube are examples of Web 2.0. |
Webcam | Cameras set up with or into computers that can create videos or photos to be shared via the Internet. |
Whitelisting | A form of filtering that allows only a preapproved list of sites that are considered appropriate for children. |
Wide Area Network (WAN) | A physical network that provides capabilities for a number of independent devices to communicate with each other over a shared transmission in geographic areas. |
World Wide Web (WWW) | Interconnected servers and clients using the same “hypertext” (i.e. HTML). This is metaphorically called the “Web”. |
Worm | A program that replicates from machine to machine across network connections which in turn infects networks and information systems as it spreads. |
ACT | Abuse Counseling and Treatment Center |
AMI | Associated Marine Institutes |
APPA | American Probation and Parole Association |
ART | Aggression Replacement Training |
BBBS | Big Brothers Big Sisters |
CAC | Children’s Advocacy Center |
CHS | Children’s Home Society |
CINS/FINS | Children in Need of Services/Families in Need of Services |
CTC Model | Communities That Care” Model – a community prevention planning model |
CYDA | Clewiston Youth Development Academy |
DCF | Department of Children and Families |
DJJ | Department of Juvenile Justice |
DOE | Department of Education |
DOJ | Department of Justice |
DOL | Department of Labor |
DV | Domestic Violence |
DVD | Domestic Violence Diversion |
EM | Electronic Monitoring |
ESOL | English for Speakers of Other Languages |
EYA | Eckerd Youth Alternatives |
FTV | Family and Teen Violence Program (a domestic violence diversion program) |
GAP | Girl’s Advocacy Project |
IEP | Individual Education Plan |
ISS | Internal School Suspension |
JA | Juvenile Arbitration |
JABG | (“jay-bag”) Juvenile Accountability Block Grant |
JAC | (“jack’) Juvenile Assessment Center |
JAM | (“jam”) Juvenile Arrest and Monitoring |
JDAI | (“jay-dye”) Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative |
JDP | Juvenile Deferred Prosecution |
JJC | Juvenile Justice Council |
JJDP | Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention |
JJDPA | Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act |
JJIS | Juvenile Justice Information System (DJJ) |
JPO | Juvenile Probation Officer (DJJ) |
JSC | Juvenile Sanctions Center |
JST | Juvenile Sanctions Team |
LEA | Local Education Agency |
MAYSI | (“may-see”) Massachusetts Youth Screening Instrument |
NCCD | National Council on Crime and Delinquency |
NCJFCJ | National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges |
NCLB | No Child Left Behind |
NIC | National Institute of Corrections |
NOFA | Notice of Funding Availability |
NPO | Non-Profit Organization |
OJJDP | Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention |
OSS | Out of School Suspension |
OSY | Out of School Youth |
PACE | Practical, Academic, Cultural Education (program for girls) |
PTSD | Post Traumatic Stress Disorder |
SDFS | Safe and Drug Free Schools |
SES | Socio-Economic Status |
SHO | (“sho’) Serious Habitual Offender |
SHOCAP | (“sho-cap”) Serious Habitual Offender Comprehensive Action Program/Plan |
SWAT | Students Working Against Tobacco |
SWOT | Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (an organizational analysis) |
T4C | Thinking for a Change (a cognitive behavioral intervention) |
TRUE | Trauma Resolution through Understanding and Education (trauma intervention) |
VOP | Violation of Probation |
YES | Youth Empowered Success |
+ | This denotes everything on the gender and sexuality spectrum that letters and words cannot yet describe |
Ally | A person who is not LGBTQ but shows support for LGBTQ people and promotes equality in a variety of ways |
Androgynous | Identifying and/or presenting as neither distinguishably masculine nor feminine |
Aromantic | Someone who experiences little to no romantic attraction |
Asexual | Also referred to as “ace”; someone who experiences little to no sexual attraction |
Biphobia | Prejudice, fear or hatred directed toward bisexual people |
Bisexual | Someone who is sexually attracted to the same gender or other genders |
Closested | Describes an LGBTQ person who has not disclosed their sexual orientation or gender identity |
Cisgender | Someone whose gender they identify with matches the sex they were assigned at birth |
Coming Out | The process in which a person first acknowledges, accepts and appreciates their sexual orientation or gender identity and begins to share that with others |
Gay | A person who is emotionally, romantically or sexually attracted to members of the same gender |
Gender Dysphoria | Clinically significant distress caused when a person’s assigned birth gender is not the same as the one with which they identify |
Gender-expansive | Conveys a wider, more flexible range of gender identity and/or expression than typically associated with the binary gender system |
Gender Expression | External appearance of one’s gender identity, usually expressed through behavior, clothing, haircut or voice, and which may or may not conform to socially defined behaviors and characteristics typically associated with being either masculine or feminine |
Gender Fluid | A term used by someone whose identity fluctuates or shifts. |
Gender Identity | One’s innermost concept of self as male, female, a blend of both or neither – how individuals perceive themselves and what they call themselves. One’s gender identity can be the same or different from their sex assigned at birth |
Gender Neutral | Someone who prefers to not be identified by a specific gender, but rather prefers to use “they” a singular pronoun |
Gender Nonconforming (GNC) | Someone who expresses their gender outside traditional norms that are linked to masculinity or femininity |
Gender Transition | The process by which some people strive to more closely align their internal knowledge of gender with its outward appearance. Some people socially transition, whereby they might begin dressing, using names and pronouns and/or be socially recognized as another gender. Others undergo physical transitions in which they modify their bodies through medical interventions |
Genderqueer | Someone whose gender identity is outside the female/male binary. They may express both traditionally masculine and feminine qualities or neither |
Homophobia | The fear and hatred of or discomfort with people who are attracted to members of the same sex |
Intersex | A term used for someone who is born with biological sex characteristics that are not associated traditionally with male or female bodies. This term does not refer to sexual orientation or gender identity. |
Lesbian | A woman who is emotionally, romantically or sexually attracted to other women |
LGBTQ | An acronym for “lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer” |
Living Openly | A state in which LGBTQ people are comfortably out about their sexual orientation or gender identity – where and when it feels appropriate to them |
MAAB/FAAB/UAAB | Male assigned at birth/female assigned at birth/unassigned at birth |
Nonbinary | Someone who does not identify as male or female and views themselves outside the gender binary |
Outing | Exposing someone’s lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender identity to others without their permission |
Pansexual | Someone who is sexually attracted to people of all genders OR someone who is sexually attracted to someone’s qualities rather than the other person’s gender identity |
Queer | A term people often use to express fluid identities and orientations. Often used interchangeably with “LGBTQ.” |
Questioning | A term used to describe people who are in the process of exploring their sexual orientation or gender identity |
Same-gender Loving | A term some prefer to use instead of lesbian, gay or bisexual to express attraction to and love of people of the same gender |
Sex Assigned at Birth | The sex (male or female) given to a child at birth, most often based on the child’s external anatomy. This is also referred to as “assigned sex at birth.” |
Sexual Orientation | An inherent or immutable enduring emotional, romantic or sexual attraction to other people |
Trans* or Trans+ | Two umbrella terms for non-cisgender identities |
Transgender | Someone whose gender identity or gender expression differs from the sex they were assigned at birth (this is a wide-range term) |
Transphobia | The fear and hatred of, or discomfort with, transgender people |
AA | Amino acids | The individual components of proteins |
ADEK | Vitamins A, D, E and K | Fat-soluble vitamins sometimes grouped together |
AI | Adequate Intake | Recommendations used when RDA cannot be determined, value based on observed approximations of nutrient intake by groups of healthy people |
AND | Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (formerly ADA, American Dietetic Association) | The largest US organization of food and nutrition professionals |
APHIS | American and Plant Health Inspection Service | The agency of USDA that is responsible for protecting animal health, animal welfare, and plant health |
APLU | Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities | The oldest higher education association of public universities, land-grant institutions, and state university systems. |
ARS | Agricultural Research Service | An agency of the USDA that is responsible for solving the nation’s agricultural problems and increasing scientific knowledge about crop protection. |
ASN | American Society for Clinical Nutrition | A non-profit organization dedicated to extending knowledge of nutrition by bringing together researchers, clinical nutritionists and industry professionals. |
ASTPHND | Association of State and Territorial Public Health Nutrition Directors | A non-profit membership organization that provides leadership on food and nutrition policy, programs, and services at the state and federal level. |
BMI | Body Mass Index | A connection of a system of computers, hardware, or software to an information processing device that does work like communication, computation, or dissemination of information. |
Ca | Calcium | A dietary mineral required for strong teeth and bones, regular blood clotting and muscle and nerve function. |
CACFP | Child and Adult Care Food Program | A federal assistance program provided by USDA to provide a daily subsidized food service for children, the elderly, and mentally or physically impaired adults. |
CDP | Commodity Distribution Program | Requires the Secretary of Agriculture to use the agricultural surplus removal fund to buy commodities for child and elderly nutrition programs. |
CFSM | Core Food Security Module | An assessment to understand the extent of household food insecurity due to inadequate money for food. |
CN | Congregate Nutrition Services | A program under the AoA that provides meals to older Americans in congregate facilities such as senior centers, adult day centers, and faith-based settings. |
CSFII | Continuing Surveys of Food Intakes by Individuals | A continuing survey conducted nationwide in which participants are asked about their food intake for two separate days. |
CSFP | Commodity Supplemetal Food Program | A federally funded program that works to improve the health of low-income pregnant and breastfeeding women and other new mothers. |
CSFPI | Center for Science in the Public Interest | A D.C. based non-profit and consumer advocacy group that fights for safer and more nutritious food. |
CSREES | Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service | An agency within the USDA that has a mission to advance agriculture, the environment, and human health by supporting education and research. |
DASH | Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension | An eating plan that advocates to reduce salt intake in order to reduce blood pressure. |
DGA | Dietary Guidelines For Americans | A group of nationally recognized experts in the field of nutrition appointed by the HHS and USDA to make recommendations for the next edition of the nation’s dietary guidelines. |
DGAC | Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee | An interactive forum where individuals can talk in real-time. Many chat rooms are themed by subjects to discuss, but they can also be formed to talk informally, with strangers or with friends. |
DRI | Dietary Reference Intake | The necessary levels of nutrients for dietary consumption. |
EAR | Estimated Average Requirement | The intake of a nutrient that will meet the requirements of fifty percent of all healthy individuals within a population. |
EFNEP | Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program | A program designed to assist populations with limited access to nutritional resources and help these groups gain information about family diet and nutrition. |
Energy RDA | Energy Recommended Dietary Allowance | The average number of calories needed, this number differs by gender and age. |
FAO | Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations | A specialized agency of the United Nations that works to eradicate hunger in both developed and developing countries. |
FDA | Food and Drug Administration | An agency of the HHS that is responsible for protecting public health through regulation of food safety, tobacco products, and medications. |
Fe | Iron | A dietary mineral required for the transportation of oxygen throughout the body. |
FMI | Food Marketing Institute | An organization that conducts food safety, public affairs, and educational research for food retailers and wholesalers. |
FNB | Food and Nutritional Board, Institute of Medicine, The National Academies | A board that studies issues of national and global importance on the safety of the US food supply, and helps to determine guidelines for nutrition. |
FNIC | Food and Nutrition Information Center | The center for food and human nutritional information by providing resources for health professionals, educators, government officials and consumers. |
FSIS | Food Safety and Inspection Service | A public health regulatory agency under the USDA responsible for ensuring that the nation’s supply of meat, poultry, and egg products is safe and correctly labeled and packaged. |
FSP | Food Stamp Program | A federal aid program that provides assistance for purchasing food to low and no -income people living in the US. |
FTT | Failure To Thrive | A child who has developed and/or grown slowly or abnormally due to lack of nutrition. |
g | Gram | A metric unit of measure to measure things such as carbohydrates, fats and proteins. |
GMA | Grocery Manufacturers of America | The world’s largest association of food, beverage and consumer product companies. |
HDN | Home-Delivered Nutrition Services | A program established under AoA that provides meals and related nutrition services to seniors who are homebound. |
ICNND | Interdepartmental Committee on Nutrition for National Defense | A committee which provided previously unavailable representative information on food and nutrition situations of military populations in thirty-three developing countries. |
IU | International Unit | A measure of a substance, such as a vitamin or toxin, that produces a specific effect when tested in accordance to internationally accepted biological procedures. |
JCAHO | Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations | A US non-profit that strives to improve public health care by evaluating health care organizations and encouraging them to provide the highest quality of care. |
K | Potassium | A dietary mineral that is required for water balance and muscle function in the body. |
kcal | Kilocalorie | A measure of energy we more commonly refer to as a “calorie”. |
mcg | Microgram | A metric unit to measure certain vitamins and minerals that is equal to one millionth of a gram. |
mEq | Milliequivalent | A measurement that is one thousandth of the equivalent weight certain substance. |
mg | Milligram | A metric unit to measure some vitamins and minerals that is equal to one thousandth of a gram. |
Mg | Magnesium | A dietary mineral required for muscle function and other processes in the body. |
MOWAA | Meals On Wheels Association of America | The largest US organization that provides meal services to people in need, especially senior citizens. |
MNT | Medical Nutrition Therapy | The process of treating chronic illness conditions through personalized nutrition plans. |
Na | Sodium | A vital mineral for the sound functioning of blood pressure and osmotic equilibrium. |
NCBA | National Cattleman’s Beef Association | An advocacy group that works on behalf of beef producers in the US with goals to increase profit opportunities, enhance business climate, and build consumer demand. |
NET | Nutrition Education and Training Program | A program under the Children Nutrition Act that is authorized to make grants to all states for nutritional education programs that targets school children, teachers, parents and food service workers. |
NFPC | Nationwide Food Consumption Survey | Large scale surveys conducted by the USDA from 1977 to 1978 in order to assess eating habits of the nation. |
NFPA | National Food Processors Association | The association that represents the five hundred billion dollar food processing industry on scientific and policy issues involving nutritional and consumer affairs. |
NHANES | National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey | A program that assesses the health of American adults and children which incorporates interviews and physical examinations as part of the studies. |
NWA | National WIC (Women Infant Children) Association | An organization that works on behalf of the WIC program in order to gain bipartisan support in the US Congress and raise awareness about early childhood nutrition. |
PNSS | Pediatric Nutrition Surveillance System | A federally funded program based surveillance system that monitors the nutritional status of low-income women, children, and infants. |
RD | Registered Dietician | Professional experts in food and nutrition that advise people on what to eat in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle. |
RDA | Recommended Daily Allowance | The recommended daily intake level of a nutrient made by the Food and Nutrition board that meets the requirement of 97.5 percent of healthy people. |
REE | Resting Energy Expenditure | The number of calories an individual would burn if (s)he stayed at rest all day. |
RISE | Responsible Industry for a Sound Environment | A lobbying organization that promotes safe use of pesticides to control pests and invasive species that are detrimental to health and environment. |
RNI | Reference Nutritional Intake | Used in the UK, recommendations to meet the nutritional needs to the majority of the population. |
SNAP | Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program | Formerly known as the Food Stamp program, provides financial assistance to low-income people for means of purchasing food. |
SNE | Society for Nutrition Education | A non-profit organization that promotes the values and interests of nutrition educators. |
TEFAP | The Emergency Food Assistance Program | A federal program that works to supplement the diets of low-income people, especially seniors by providing them with surplus foods. |
UL | Tolerable Upper Limit | The maximum level of a nutrient intake that is still safe for all individuals. |
USDA | U.S. Department of Agriculture | A federal executive department in charge of US policy concerning farming, agriculture, forestry, and food. |
WIC | Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants, and Children | A federal assistance program that is responsible for the healthcare of low-income pregnant women, breastfeeding women, and children under the age of five. |
ACE | Adverse Childhood Experiences |
ACS | Alcohol and Drug Services |
APHA | American Public Health Association |
APA | American Psychiatric Association |
BDD | Bureau of Disability Determination |
BH | Behavioral Health |
BIP | Bipolar Disorder |
BPD | Borderline Personality Disorder |
CBT | Cognitive Behavioral Therapy |
CCO | Care Coordination Organization |
CCS | Crisis Continuum Services |
CD | Conduct Disorder |
CMHC | Community Mental Health Center |
COD | Co-occuring Disorder |
CPST | Community Psychiatric Supportive Treatment |
CPT | Cognitive Processing Therapy |
CSB | Children’s Services Board |
CSS | Community Support Services |
CSU | Crisis Stabilization Unit |
DBH | Division of Behavioral Health |
DBSA | Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance |
DMDD | Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder |
EBD | Emotional and Behavioral Disorders |
ED | Eating Disorder |
GAD | Generalized Anxiety Disorder |
HCBS | Home & Community Based Services |
I&R | Information and Referral |
IMH | Integrated Mental Health |
IMR | Illness Management and Recovery |
IOP | Intensive Outpatient Program |
JD | Jail Diversion |
LCAT | Licensed Creative Art Therapist |
LOC | Level of Care |
MAT | Medication-Assisted Treatment |
MBCT | Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy |
MDD | Major Depressive Disorder |
MHA | Mental Health Association or America |
MHC | Mental Health Clinic |
MFHA | Mental Health First Aid |
MHS | Mental Health Screening |
MHSU | Mental Health Stabilization Unit |
MI | Mental Illness or Motivational Interviewing |
MST | Multisystemic Therapy |
NAMI | National Alliance on Mental Illness |
NCMHJJ | National Center for Mental Health and Juvenile Justice |
NCTSN | National Child Traumatic Stress Network |
NGRI | Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity |
NIMH | National Institute of Mental Health |
NSPL | National Suicide Prevention Lifeline |
OCD | Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder |
ODD | Oppositional Defiant Disorder |
OUD | Opiod Use Disorder |
PBD | Pediatric Bipolar Disorder |
PCD | Person-Centered Therapy |
PDD | Persistent Depressive Disorder (dysthymia) or Pervasive Developmental Disorders |
PEI | Prevention and Early Intervention |
PES | Psychiatric Emergency Services |
PHA | Public Housing Authority |
PHP | Partial Hospitalization Program |
PIRC | Psychiatric Intake Response Center |
PTSD | Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder |
POS | Point of Service Plan |
PPD | Paranoid Personality Disorder |
QPR | Question Persuade Refer |
RAISE | Recovery After an Initial Schizophrenia Episode |
ROI | Release of Information |
ROSC | Recovery Oriented Systems of Care |
RPP | Relapse Prevention Plan |
RT | Residential Treatment |
SAD | Seasonal Affective Disorder or Social Anxiety Disorder |
SAMHSA | Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration |
SAMI | Substance Abuse and Mental Illness |
SDOH | Social Determinants of Health |
SE | Supported Employment |
SED | Serious Emotional Disturbance |
SI | Sensory Integration |
SMI | Serious Mental Illness |
SOS | Signs of Suicide |
SPD | Schizoid Personality Disorder |
SPMID | Serious and Persistent Mental Illness |
SZA | Schizoaffective Disorder |
WRAP | Wellness Recovery Action Plan |
YRBS | Youth Risk Behavior Survey |
AAHE | American Association for Health Education |
AGO | America’s Great Outdoors (initiative) |
COE | Council for Outdoor Education |
COLA | Covered Outdoor Learning Area |
COOL | The Council of Outdoor Learning |
COPEC | Council for Physical Education for Children |
CYP | Child and Youth Programs |
CSPAP | Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program |
NATA | National Athletic Training Association |
NOLA | The National Outdoor Learning Award |
PE | Physical Education |
STEM | Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math |
5 A’s | The “5 A’s” are designed to be used with the tobacco user who is willing to quit. Ask, Advise, Assess, Assist, and Arrange |
ACS | American Cancer Society |
AHA | American Heart Association |
ANRF | American Nonsmokers’ Rights Foundation |
ATOD | Alcohol, Tobacco & Other Drugs |
AWARE | Alcohol, Wellness Alternatives, Research and Education (UW program) |
BAC | Blood alcohol concentration Also referred to as blood alcohol content or blood alcohol level (BAL) |
BRFSS | Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System |
CADCA | Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America. A national organization that supports community coalitions. |
CFTFK or TFK | Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids |
DAC | Data Analysis Committee of the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) State Incentive Grant (SIG). The DAC will conduct a statewide needs and resource assessment in order to establish com¬munities of greatest need. |
DARE | Drug Abuse Resistance Education Prevention curriculum delivered in schools by police officers. |
DFS | Drug Free Schools |
DUI | Driving Under The Influence |
DWI | Driving While Intoxicated |
EUDL | Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws |
MIP | Minor In Possession |
NCADI | National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information Part of the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration |
NCTOH | National Conference on Tobacco or Health |
NIDA | National Institute on Drug Abuse |
NOMs | National Outcome Measures is the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention’s (CSAP) assessment of services provided to a defined population. |
NREPP | National Registry of Effective Prevention Programs Maintained by the federal Center for Substance Abuse Prevention |
OJJDP | Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Part of the Office of Justice Programs within the U.S. Department of Justice |
OTC | Over The Counter (Drugs) |
Plug | Not an acronym. Used to reference a drug dealer |
PNA | Prevention Needs Assessment |
RX | Prescription |
SA | Substance Abuse |
SAMHSA | Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration Agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services |
SAPT | Substance Abuse Prevention & Treatment |
SBIRT | Screening & Brief Intervention for Risky Substance Use |
SPF | The Strategic Prevention Framework is the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention’s five-step process designed to increase the effectiveness of substance abuse prevention on both the state and local level through collaborative interagency planning |
SPF-SIG | Strategic Prevention Framework – State Incentive Grant |
SSES | Synar Survey Estimation System |
SRO | Student Resource Officer |
Synar | Not an acronym. The Synar Amendment, named for the late Congressman Mike Synar, is a federal law requiring states to restrict and reduce youth access to tobacco products or risk losing block grant funding for alcohol and drug programs. |
TA | Technical Assistance |
TAP | Tobacco Awareness Program – a voluntary youth cessation program created by Community Intervention |
TATU | Teens Against Tobacco Use Peer-led program to teach young people about tobacco use and to become advocates for tobacco-free communities. Sponsored by the American Lung Association |
TEG | Tobacco Education Group Curriculum often used with students who have violated policies on tobacco use, created by Community Intervention |
TFSE | Tobacco Free Schools of Excellence |
USDHHS | United States Department of Health and Human Services |
WIC | Women, Infants and Children (special supplemental food program) |
WNTD | World No Tobacco Day |
YRBS | Youth Risk Behavior Survey consists of national, state, and local school-based surveys of ninth- through 12th-graders to measure priority health risk behaviors |
ARIMA | Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average |
BATFE | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives |
CIS | Communities in Schools |
CRI | Community Resource Inventory |
DEA | Drug Enforcement Agency |
DOC | Department of Corrections |
DOJ | U.S. Department of Justice |
FBI | Federal Bureau of Investigation |
FIS | Families in Schools |
GREAT | Gang Reduction Education and Training |
GRP | Gang Reduction Program |
HIDTA | High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area |
ICE | Immigration and Customs Enforcement |
NIBRS | National Incident-Based Reporting System |
NNO | National Night Out |
NYGC | National Youth Gang Center |
NYGS | National Youth Gang Survey |
PSN | Project Safe Neighborhoods |
SRO | School Resource Officer |
SVORI | Serious and Violent Offender Reentry Initiative |
TANF | Temporary Assistance for Needy Families |
UCRS | Uniform Crime Reporting System |
UI | Urban Institute |
VRS | Violence Reduction Strategy |
Abolition | The act of completely ending or removing something, in most cases institutions, systems, and practices. |
Affirmative Action | Used to describe adopted policies that required organizations to take positive actions toward ensuring equitable employment access for marginalized populations, including women and people of color. |
Ally | Someone who steps up to recognize their privilege (socioeconomic, gender, race, sexual identity) and actively works for justice for oppressed groups in solidarity. |
Anti Racism | The work of advocating for political and social changes in that advance racial equity. |
Anti Racist | Someone who through their actions or ideas supports racial equity. |
Assimilationist | A person who supports or expresses racism through advocating for the superiority of one group over another and encourages cultural blending or behavioral enrichment at the expense of another racial group. |
Bigotry | The prejudice or intolerance of other groups that elevate one’s own group by discriminating against others |
BIPOC | An acronym used to refer to black, indigenous, and other people of color, which aims to bring light to the historic marginalization of black and indigenous people. |
BIYOC | An acronym used to refer to black, indigenous, and youth of color, which aims to bring light to the historic marginalization of black and indigenous youth. |
Black Lives Matter | A political movement founded by Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi on July 13, 2013, created to address the systemic violence against African Americans. The movement was originally created in response to the acquittal of Trayvon Martin’s killer. |
Centering Blackness | Creating policies and designing practices that bring awareness to the unique Black experience that is foundational to the share of U.S. American economic and social present. Centering Blackness intentionally lifts Black people groups. |
Collusion | The intentional prevention of oppression elimination, particularly against people who are doing the work. |
Colonization | The geographical invasion and subjugation of a people which often leads to the displacement and cruel treatment of those native people. |
Colorism | Prioritizing, privileging, and favoring lighter skin colors using white skin color as standard. Leads to disadvantage and oppressive acts toward darker skin colors. |
Critical Race Theory (CRT) | An action verb, Critical Race Theory is both movement and scholarship. Uses the considerations of civil rights and ethnic studies while attributing broad perspectives including history to assess foundations. |
Cultural Appropriation | Using the cultural elements of a group for one’s own use or profit. This can be seen through the taking of symbols such as art, language, customs, etc. without acknowledging the value of the symbol in the original culture. |
Cultural Racism | Messages, stories, and images that convey “whiteness as better” in behavior and values. |
Cultural Representations | Reinforced through media as understood, sensible, and/or absolute, cultural representations are stereotypes, narratives, perspectives, etc. of people groups and can be perceived as positive or negative. Important to recognize is that these representations remove individuality and have historically created opportunities for dehumanizing. |
Culture | The customs and social systems developed by a specific group of people. Often a set of unspoken rules that shape the identity of the group. |
Decolonization | The resistance against colonial powers in order to return towards the original indigenous culture of the group that was colonized. A process that works for the political, economic, and cultural independence of the colonized nation. |
Diaspora | The often forced movement of people from their homeland into a new region. |
Discrimination | The unequal treatment of groups or people often based on race, gender, socio-economic status, sexual preference, physical ability, or religion. United States law makes it illegal to discriminate against someone on the bases of race, color, religion, national origin, or sex. The law also makes it illegal to retaliate against someone because the person complained or made a formal report against discrimination (U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission). |
Diversity | Encompasses all the different characteristics that make an individual or group different from another. Though often associated with race, this is an umbrella term that includes all social categorizations. |
Ethnicity | While race is something inherent, ethnicity is the shared ideas such as culture, religion, and language that unite a people. Examples of some different ethnic groups are African American, Chinese, Mexican, or Irish. |
Hate Crime | Criminal acts as determined by the law that describes acts of violence where victims are intentionally targeted based on protected class including race, color, gender, sexual orientation, disability, religion, national orientation, and gender identity. |
Hegemonic | Overarching achievement of dominance. |
Implicit Bias | These are negative associations that people are often unaware that they hold. While not always intended, thoughts or expressions made with implicit bias are hurtful. The best way to overcome implicit bias is actively recognizing one’s privilege and educating oneself on the issues oppressed groups face. |
Inclusion | The practice of authentically bringing historically marginalized groups into spaces where they may have otherwise been excluded. |
Individual Racism | Intentional acts that manifest in covert and/or in-person hate, aggression, expressed prejudice, or bias based on rase. |
Institutional Racism | References the specific ways institutional policies tend to favor one racial group rather than promote positive outcomes for multiple racial groups. This often creates advantages for the white, upper class which inherently oppresses groups of people of color. |
Internalized Dominance | White people acting on the belief that white people are superior to and more entitled than people of color. |
Internalized Racism | The conscious and unconscious categorization in which white people are ranked over people of color, defined by sociologist Karen D. Pyke. |
Intersectionality | The multiple identities that produce a unique, distinct life for every person. This can be the combination of race, religion, gender, sexual preference that a person has which creates the unique identity they hold and how they experience life. |
Kyriarchy | Collective network of dominant structures in collaborative action. |
Microaggression | The everyday verbal and nonverbal remarks, that can be intentional or unintentional, which targets a person based on an aspect of their identity. |
National Values | Behaviors and values expected for societal membership. Inconsistency, however, is presented when privileged membership allows for justification of action despite outcomes that promote exclusion, domination, and destructive acts toward others. |
Oppression | The exercise of authority in a way that subjugates a social group for the benefit of the group exercising the authority. |
People of Color | The collective term used to describe racial groups who are non-White. It is also important to recognize people’s ethnic or racial groups when possible to acknowledge their unique history. |
Prejudice | A preconceived notion or attitude of an individual or group towards another individual or group typically based off of stereotypes. |
Prison Industrial Complex (PIC) Abolition | A political goal of completely ending or removing policing, imprisonment, and surveillance. |
Progress & Retrenchment | The utilization of enacted legislation, court rulings, precedence, and other mechanisms to create societal change aimed at promoting racial equity. Back lashes, or retrenchment, occurs at the societal level when legal precedence is established and enacted. |
Race | The dividing of humans based on major divisions, often physical characteristics, language. Race is not a biological fact but a social construct that has shifted over the course of time. |
Racial Equity | The condition that would be created once race did not factor into a person’s value. It would eliminate any forms of discrimination. |
Racial Inequity | The condition of a racial group or groups not having the same access as other groups based on their race. |
Racial Justice | The fair treatment of all racial groups at a systemic level which would result in equitable opportunities for all. |
Racism | The discrimination or marginalization of a group of people based on their race or ethnic group which believes in the superiority of one race over the other. |
Reparations | Government delegated assets provided to address the harms caused by systemic human rights violations or lack of prevention. Can take many different forms of compensation. |
Restorative Justice | The theory of justice that prioritizes healing harm that has been caused and/or created through conflict or crime. |
Settler Colonialism | Colonization where powers create permanent settlement on land owned by another people group and taken by force. |
Structural Racism | Policies, practices, and cultural representations indicative of systems and structures that intentionally perpetuate racism on a societal scale under the guise of public welfare. There is historical identification that privileged whiteness and oppressed marginalized populations. Structural racism is not a chosen practice, but rather embedded in organizational systems including political and socio-economic. |
Systemic Racism | Similar to structural racism, systemic racism is also embedded in organizational policy and practice where whiteness is privileged at the expense of marginalized populations. |
Tokenism | Covert racism where privilege is exercised under the appearance of non-racist behavior. |
White Fragility | Behaviors that reinstate white racial equilibrium when racial stress becomes intolerable for white people. |
White Privilege | The inherent advantages held by a white person solely because they are white. Often times this privilege goes unnoticed but denying that these advantages exist only continues to oppress marginalized groups even more. |
White Supremacy | The belief that white people should dominate society because of the belief that the white race is superior to others. |
Xenophobia | Attitudes, practices, behaviors, or policies that perpetuate oppression toward immigrant people groups. |
Youth Oppression | Manifested oppression through systemic subordination and/or mistreatment of youth based on age. |
CalPERS | California Public Employees’ Retirement System |
CalSTRS | California State Teachers’ Retirement System |
CalWORKS | California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids |
COLA | Cost-of-living Adjustment |
CPI | Consumer Price Index |
CSR | Class Size Reduction |
EIA | Economic Impact Aid |
ESEA | Elementary and Secondary Education Act |
FCMAT | Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team |
F/RPM | Free/Reduced-price Meals |
GATE | Gifted and Talented Education |
G.O. Bond | General Obligation Bond |
HPSGP | High Priority Schools Grant Program |
IDEA | Individuals with Disabilities Education Act |
IEP | Individualized Education Program |
II/USP | Immediate Intervention/Underperforming Schools Program |
IMFRP | Instructional Materials Funding Realignment Program |
JPA | Joint Powers Agreement |
K-12 | Kindergarten through 12th Grade |
K-14 | Kindergarten through Community College |
K-16 | Kindergarten through Undergraduate University |
LEP | Limited English Proficient |
MPSE | Master Plan for Special Education |
MTYRE | Multitrack, Year-round Education |
OPSC | Office of Public School Construction |
OTL | Opportunity to Learn |
PERB | Public Employment Relations Board |
PERS | Public Employees’ Retirement System |
PL | Public Law (federal) |
PSAA | Public Schools Accountability Act |
ROC/ROP | Regional Occupational Center/Program |
SAB | State Allocation Board |
SACS | Standardized Account Code Structure |
SARC | School Accountability Report Card |
SEA | State Education Agency |
SELPA | Special Education Local Plan Area |
SFID | School Facility Improvement District |
SIP | School Improvement Program |
STRS | State Teachers’ Retirement System |
ABA | Applied Behavior Analysis |
ADD | Attention Deficit Disorder |
ADHD | Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder |
ADL | Activities of Daily Living |
AE | Age Equivalent |
AHEAD | Association on Higher Education and Disabilities |
APE | Adaptive Physical Education |
APTD | Aid to the Permanently and Totally Disabled |
AS | Asperger’s Syndrome or Autism Spectrum |
ASD | Autism Spectrum Disorders |
ASL | American Sign Language |
BASC | Behavior Intervention Plan |
BIP | Behavior Intervention Plan |
CA | Chronological Age |
CAP | Client Assistance Program |
CAPD | Central Auditory Processing Disorder |
CEC | Council for Exceptional Children |
CHADD | Children with Attention Deficit Disorders |
CHINS | Children in Need of Services |
CODA | Children of Deaf Adults |
COTA | Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant |
CP | Cerebral Palsy |
CSE | Committee on Special Education |
CTBS | California Test of Basic Skills |
CTONI | Comprehensive Test of Nonverbal Intelligence |
CTOPP | Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing |
DCD | Developmental Coordination Disorder |
DD | Developmental Delay |
DD | Developmental Disability |
DSM | Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders |
DSS | Disability and Support Services |
EBD | Emotional Behavior Disability |
EH | Emotionally Handicapped |
EI | Early Intervention |
ESEA | Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 |
ESY | Extended School Year |
EVT | Expressive Vocabulary Test |
FAS | Fetal Alcohol Syndrome |
FBA | Functional Behavior Assessment |
fMRI | Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging |
FV | Family Violence |
GAL | Guardian ad Litem |
GE | Grade Equivalent |
GLE | Grade Level Expectations |
HI | Hearing Impaired |
HOH | Hard of Hearing |
IDA | International Dyslexia Association |
IEP | Individualized Education Plan |
ITP | Individual Transition Plan |
KABC | Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children |
KTEA | Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement |
LD | Learning Disability |
LDA | Learning Disability Association |
MA | Mental Age |
MAT/CMAT | Comprehensive Mathematics Abilities Test |
MBD | Minimal Brain Dysfunction |
MD | Multiple Disabilities |
MD | Muscular Dystrophy |
MICE | Multi-Sensory Intervention through Consultation and Education |
MR | Mental Retardation |
NAEP | National Assessment of Educational Performance |
NAMI | National Alliance for Mentally Ill |
NCLD | National Center for Learning Disability |
NIH | National Institute for Health |
NILD | National Institute for Learning Development |
NIMH | National Institute for Mental Health |
NORD | National Organization for Rare Disorders |
NOS | Not Otherwise Specified |
NPND | National Parent Network on Disabilities |
NVLD (or NLD) | Non-Verbal Learning Disability |
OCD | Obsessive Compulsive Disorder |
ODD | Oppositional Defiance Disorder |
OHI | Other Health Impaired |
OI | Orthopedic Impairment |
OPWDD | Office for People with Developmental Disabilities |
OT | Occupational Therapy; Occupational Therapists |
PASS | Plan for Achieving Self-Sufficiency |
PDD | Pervasive Developmental Disorder |
PDD/NOS | Pervasive Developmental Disorder/ Not Otherwise Specified |
PPVT | Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test |
PSAT | Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test |
PT | Physical Therapist |
PTSD | Post Traumatic Stress Disorder |
RAD | Reactive Attachment Disorder |
RFBD | Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic |
RSP | Resource Specialist Program |
RTI | Response to Intervention |
SAIF | Specialist in the Assessment of Intellectual Functioning |
SAT | Scholastic Aptitude Test |
SED | State Education Department; Severely Emotionally Disturbed |
SES | Supplemental Educational Services |
SI | Sensory Integration |
SLD | Specific Learning Disability |
SLP | Speech and Language Pathologist |
TBI | Traumatic Brain Injury |
TESOL | Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages |
TOWL-3 | Test of Written Language, 3rd edition |
TOWRE | Test of Word Reading Efficiency |
TTD | Tele-Typewriting Device |
VA | Volunteer Advocate |
W-J-III | Woodcock-Johnson Test, 3rd edition |
WAIS | Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale |
WIAT | Weschler Individual Achievement Test |
WISC-IV | Weschler Intelligence Scale for Children, 4th edition |
YDC | Youth Development Center |
YSDC | Youth Services Detention Center |
Warning: The content below may contain offensive language.
7/11 | Slang term for a brief, fast act of intercourse. | ||||||||
8 | Oral Sex | ||||||||
69 | A sexual position for oral sex that involves both partners giving and receiving oral sex simultaneously. Usually involves lying side-to-side or on top of each other head-to-toe. | ||||||||
143 | I love you | ||||||||
182 | I hate you | ||||||||
420 | Marijuana | ||||||||
*G* | Giggle or grin | ||||||||
*H* | Hug | ||||||||
*K* | Kiss | ||||||||
*S* | Smile | ||||||||
*T* | Tickle | ||||||||
*W* | Wink | ||||||||
/myB | Kick my Butt | ||||||||
? | Huh? | ||||||||
?4U | Question for you | ||||||||
=w= | Whatever | ||||||||
>U | Screw you! | ||||||||
2MFM | Too much for me | ||||||||
2nite | Tonight | ||||||||
2U2 | To you too | ||||||||
420 | Marijuana | ||||||||
4COL | For crying out loud | ||||||||
4ever or 4eva | For ever | ||||||||
4SALE | For Sale | ||||||||
4U | For you | ||||||||
53x | Sex | ||||||||
AAMOF | As a matter of fact | ||||||||
ABT | About | ||||||||
ADN | Any day now | ||||||||
ADR | Address | ||||||||
AF | As **** | ||||||||
AFAIC | As far as I’m concerned | ||||||||
AFAICS | As far as I can see | ||||||||
AFAICT | As far as I can tell | ||||||||
AFAIK | As far as I know | ||||||||
AFC | Away from controller | ||||||||
AFK | Away from keyboard | ||||||||
AIUI | As I understand it | ||||||||
AKA | Also known as | ||||||||
ALAP | As late as possible | ||||||||
AML | All my love | ||||||||
ANFAWFOS | And Now For A Word From Our Sponsor | ||||||||
ASAP | As soon as possible | ||||||||
ASL | Age/sex/location | ||||||||
ASLP | Age/sex/location/picture | ||||||||
ATM | At this moment | ||||||||
AWA | As well as | ||||||||
AWHFY | Are we having fun yet? | ||||||||
AWOL | Absent without leave | ||||||||
AYOR | At your own risk | ||||||||
B& | Banned | ||||||||
B4 | Before | ||||||||
B4N | Bye for now | ||||||||
BAF | Bored as f*** | ||||||||
BB | Short term for baby | ||||||||
BBIABN | Be back in a bit | ||||||||
BBIAF | Be back in a few | ||||||||
BBL | Be back later | ||||||||
BBR | Broken beyond repair | ||||||||
BBS | Babes | ||||||||
BC | Because | ||||||||
BCnU | Be seeing you | ||||||||
BF | Best friend | ||||||||
BF | Boyfriend | ||||||||
BFF | Best friend forever | ||||||||
BFN | Bye for now | ||||||||
BG | Big grin | ||||||||
BIH | Burn in Hell | ||||||||
BION | Believe it or Not | ||||||||
BITMT | But in the meantime | ||||||||
BKA | Better known as | ||||||||
BL | Belly laughing | ||||||||
BM | Bite me | ||||||||
BMB | Bite my bum/butt | ||||||||
BOB | Back off b***ard | ||||||||
BOM | B**** of mine | ||||||||
BOT | Back on topic | ||||||||
BRB | Be right back | ||||||||
BRBB | Be right back ***** | ||||||||
BRH | Be right here | ||||||||
BRS | Big red switch | ||||||||
BRT | Be right there | ||||||||
BS | Bull s*** | ||||||||
BSF | But seriously folks | ||||||||
BST | But seriously though | ||||||||
BTA | But then again | ||||||||
BTAIM | Be that as it may | ||||||||
BTDT | Been there done that | ||||||||
BTOBD | Be there or be dead | ||||||||
BTOBS | Be there or be square | ||||||||
BTSOOM | Beats the s*** out of me | ||||||||
BTW | By the way | ||||||||
BWTHDIK | But what the heck do I know | ||||||||
BYOB | Bring your own bottle | ||||||||
C&G | Chuckle and grin | ||||||||
CDIWY | Couldn’t do it without you | ||||||||
CFS | Care for secret? | ||||||||
CFV | Call for votes | ||||||||
CFY | Calling for you | ||||||||
CID | Crying in disgrace | ||||||||
CLM | Career limiting move | ||||||||
CMIIW | Correct me if I’m wrong | ||||||||
CNP | Cut and Paste | ||||||||
CRAFT | Can’t remember a f***king thing | ||||||||
CRS | Can’t remember s*** | ||||||||
CTS | Changing the subject | ||||||||
CU | See you | ||||||||
CU2 | See you too | ||||||||
CU46 | See you for sex | ||||||||
CUL | See you later | ||||||||
CUL8R | See you later | ||||||||
CWOT | Complete waste of time | ||||||||
CWYL | Chat with you later | ||||||||
CYA | See ya | ||||||||
CYA | Cover your ass | ||||||||
CYAL8R | See ya later | ||||||||
CYO | See you online | ||||||||
DBA | Doing business as | ||||||||
DCed | Disconnected | ||||||||
DGAF | Don’t give a f**** | ||||||||
DIIK | Darn if I know | ||||||||
DIKU | Do I know you? | ||||||||
DILF | Dad I’d like to f*** | ||||||||
DIRTFT | Do it right the first time | ||||||||
DITYID | Did I tell you I’m distressed? | ||||||||
DIY | Do it yourself | ||||||||
DL | Down low | ||||||||
DLTBBB | Don’t let the bed bugs bite | ||||||||
DM | Direct Message | ||||||||
DMMGH | Don’t make me get hostile | ||||||||
DND | Do not disturb | ||||||||
DQMOT | Don’t quote me on this | ||||||||
DTF | Down to f*** | ||||||||
DTR | Determine the Relationship | ||||||||
DTRT | Do the right thing | ||||||||
DUM | Do you masturbate? | ||||||||
DUSL | Do you scream loud? | ||||||||
DWAI | Don’t worry about it | ||||||||
DWIM | Do what I mean | ||||||||
DWIMC | Do what I mean, correctly | ||||||||
DWISNWID | Do what I say, not what I do | ||||||||
DYJHIW | Don’t you just hate it when…? | ||||||||
DYK | Do you know? | ||||||||
E | Ecstasy | ||||||||
EAK | Eating at keyboard | ||||||||
ED | Emotionally Disturbed | ||||||||
EIE | Enough is enough | ||||||||
EMFBI | Excuse me for butting in | ||||||||
EMFJI | Excuse me for jumping in | ||||||||
EMSG | Email message | ||||||||
EOD | End of discussion | ||||||||
EOF | End of file | ||||||||
EOL | End of lecture | ||||||||
EOM | End of message | ||||||||
EOS | End of story | ||||||||
EOT | End of thread | ||||||||
ES | Enough Said | ||||||||
ETLA | Extended three letter acronym | ||||||||
F/F | Face to face | ||||||||
F2F | Face to face | ||||||||
F2T | Free to talk | ||||||||
FAQ | Frequently asked questions | ||||||||
FAWC | For anyone who cares | ||||||||
FB | F*** buddy | ||||||||
FBOW | For better or worse | ||||||||
FBTW | Fine, be that way | ||||||||
FCFS | First come, first served | ||||||||
FCOL | For crying out loud | ||||||||
FFS | For f***s sake | ||||||||
FIFO | First in, first out | ||||||||
FLA | Four-letter acronym | ||||||||
FLAME | An insult | ||||||||
FMLTWIA | F*** me like the whore I am | ||||||||
FOAD | F*** off and die | ||||||||
FOAF | Friend of a friend | ||||||||
FOB | F*** off b**** | ||||||||
FOBO | Fear of Better Options | ||||||||
FOC | Free of charge | ||||||||
FOCL | Falling off chair laughing | ||||||||
FOFL | Falling on the floor laughing | ||||||||
FOL | Fond of leather | ||||||||
FOMO | Fear of Missing Out | ||||||||
FOS | Freedom of speech | ||||||||
FOTCL | Falling of the chair laughing | ||||||||
FR | For Real | ||||||||
FTF | Face to face | ||||||||
FTTT | From time to time | ||||||||
FU | F***ed up | ||||||||
FUBAR | F***ed up beyond all recognition | ||||||||
FUDFUCT | Fear, uncertainty and doubt | ||||||||
FW | F*** with | ||||||||
FWIW | For what it’s worth | ||||||||
FYA | For your amusement | ||||||||
FYE | For your entertainment | ||||||||
FYEO | For your eyes only | ||||||||
FYI | For your information | ||||||||
G | Gangster | ||||||||
G2G | Got to go | ||||||||
G2K | Good to know | ||||||||
GAC | Get a Clue | ||||||||
GAFM | Get Away From Me | ||||||||
GF | Girlfriend | ||||||||
GN | Goodnight | ||||||||
GOAT | Greatest of All Time | ||||||||
GPB | Gotta pee bad | ||||||||
GPWM | Good point well made | ||||||||
GRL | Girl | ||||||||
GRRL | Girl | ||||||||
GRT | Great | ||||||||
GRTG | Getting ready to go | ||||||||
GTFA | Go the **** away | ||||||||
GTFO | Get the **** out | ||||||||
GTFOOH | Get the **** out of here | ||||||||
GTG | Got to go | ||||||||
GTGP | Got to go pee | ||||||||
GTH | Go to hell | ||||||||
GTHA | Go the hell away | ||||||||
GTK | Good to know | ||||||||
GTOTB | Got to go to bed | ||||||||
GYAT | Girl your a** is thick | ||||||||
GTTU | Good talking to you | ||||||||
GYPO | Get your pants off | ||||||||
H | Hug | ||||||||
H&K | Hug and kiss | ||||||||
H/O | Hold on | ||||||||
H/T | Hat tip | ||||||||
H8 | Hate (H1 – H9 indicating levels of hate) | ||||||||
HAG1 | Have a good one | ||||||||
HAGD | Have a good day | ||||||||
HAGN | Have a good night | ||||||||
HAGS | Have a good summer | ||||||||
HAHA | Having a heart attack | ||||||||
HAK | Hugs and kisses | ||||||||
HB | Happy birthday | ||||||||
HB | Hurry back | ||||||||
HBU | How about you? | ||||||||
HDYDT | How do you do that? | ||||||||
HF | Have fun | ||||||||
HH | Holding hands | ||||||||
HHJK | Ha ha, just kidding | ||||||||
HHOJ | Ha ha, only joking | ||||||||
HHOK | Ha ha, only kidding | ||||||||
HHOS | Ha ha, only seriously | ||||||||
HIH | Hope it helps | ||||||||
HIWTH | Hate it when that happens | ||||||||
HOMAGO | Hanging out, messing around, and geeking out | ||||||||
HW | Homework | ||||||||
HOAS | Hold on a second | ||||||||
HSIK | How should I know? | ||||||||
HTH | Hope this helps | ||||||||
IAC | In any case | ||||||||
IAE | In any event | ||||||||
IAG | It’s all good | ||||||||
IC | I see | ||||||||
ICOCBW | I could of course be wrong | ||||||||
ICYMI | In Case You Missed It | ||||||||
IDC | I don’t care | ||||||||
IDGARA | I don’t give a rat’s *** | ||||||||
IDGI | I don’t get it | ||||||||
IDGW | In a good way | ||||||||
IDI | I doubt it | ||||||||
IDK | I don’t know | ||||||||
IDTT | I’ll drink to that | ||||||||
IF/IB | In front or in back? | ||||||||
IFVB | I feel very bad | ||||||||
IGP | I gotta pee | ||||||||
IGTP | I get the point | ||||||||
IHTFP | I hate this ******* place | ||||||||
IHTFP | I have truly found paradise | ||||||||
IHU | I hate you | ||||||||
IHY | I hate you | ||||||||
II | I’m impressed | ||||||||
IIR | If I recall | ||||||||
IIRC | If I recall correctly | ||||||||
IIT | Is it tight? | ||||||||
IIT | I’m impressed too | ||||||||
IJWTK | I just want to know | ||||||||
IJWTS | I just want to say | ||||||||
IK | I know | ||||||||
IKWUM | I know what you mean | ||||||||
ILBCNU | I’ll be seeing you | ||||||||
ILU | I love you | ||||||||
ILY | I love you | ||||||||
ILYFAE | I love you forever and ever | ||||||||
IMAO | In my arrogant opinion | ||||||||
IMBO | In my bloody opinion | ||||||||
IMCO | In my considered opinion | ||||||||
IME | In my experience | ||||||||
IMFAO | In my f****** arrogant opinion | ||||||||
IMHO | In my humble opinion | ||||||||
IMNSHO | In my not so humble opinion | ||||||||
IMO | In my opinion | ||||||||
IMOBO | In my own biased opinion | ||||||||
IMPOV | In my point of view | ||||||||
INPO | In no particular order | ||||||||
IOIT | I’m on Irish Time | ||||||||
IOW | In other words | ||||||||
IRL | In real life | ||||||||
IS | I’m sorry | ||||||||
ISTM | It seems to me | ||||||||
ISTR | I seem to recall | ||||||||
ISWYM | I see what you mean | ||||||||
ITRO | In the reality of | ||||||||
ITRW | In the real world | ||||||||
ITSFWI | If the shoe fits, wear it | ||||||||
IVL | In virtual live | ||||||||
IWALY | I will always love you | ||||||||
IWBNI | It would be nice if | ||||||||
IYKWIM | If you know what I mean | ||||||||
IYSWIM | If you see what I mean | ||||||||
JK | Just kidding | ||||||||
JO | Jerking off | ||||||||
JP | Just playing | ||||||||
JAM | Just a minute | ||||||||
JAS | Just a second | ||||||||
JASE | Just another system error | ||||||||
JIC | Just in case | ||||||||
JJWY | Just joking with you | ||||||||
JK | Just kidding | ||||||||
JMHO | Just my humble opinion | ||||||||
JMO | Just my opinion | ||||||||
JOMO | Joy of Missing Out | ||||||||
JP | Just playing | ||||||||
JSYK | Just So You Know | ||||||||
JTLYK | Just to let you know | ||||||||
JW | Just wondering | ||||||||
K | OK | ||||||||
K | Kiss | ||||||||
KB | Kiss back | ||||||||
KFY | Kiss for you | ||||||||
KHYF | Know how you feel | ||||||||
KIS(S) | Keep it simple (stupid) | ||||||||
KISS | Keep it simple sister | ||||||||
KIT | Keep in touch | ||||||||
KMA | Kiss my *** | ||||||||
KMB | Kiss my butt | ||||||||
KMSMA | Kiss my shiny metal *** | ||||||||
KOTC | Kiss on the cheek | ||||||||
KOTL | Kiss on the lips | ||||||||
KPC | Keeping parents clueless | ||||||||
KUTGW | Keep up the good work | ||||||||
KWIM | Know what I mean? | ||||||||
L2P | Learn to play | ||||||||
L2R | Learn to read | ||||||||
L33T | Elite | ||||||||
L4m3rz | Lamers | ||||||||
L8 | Later | ||||||||
L84skool | Late for school | ||||||||
L8 | Late | ||||||||
L8R | Later | ||||||||
Laff | Laugh | ||||||||
LAK | Love and Kisses | ||||||||
LALOL | Lots and lots of laughs | ||||||||
LAM | Leave a message | ||||||||
LAMF | Like a mother****** | ||||||||
LAT | Laugh at that | ||||||||
LATN | Laugh at the newbs | ||||||||
LATWTTB | Laughing all the way to the bank | ||||||||
LAU | Laugh at you | ||||||||
LBR | Little boy’s room | ||||||||
LD | Long distance | ||||||||
Lemme | Let me | ||||||||
Lesbo | Lesbian | ||||||||
LMAO | Laughing my *** off | ||||||||
LMIRL | Let’s meet in real life | ||||||||
LMK | Let me know | ||||||||
LOL | Laugh out loud | ||||||||
LOML | Love of my life | ||||||||
M8 | Mate | ||||||||
MB | Maybe | ||||||||
MILF | Mom I’d like to **** | ||||||||
MOS | Mom over shoulder | ||||||||
MOSS | Member of the same sex | ||||||||
MPFB | My personal **** buddy | ||||||||
MWBRL | More Will Be Revealed Later | ||||||||
MYOB | Mind your own business | ||||||||
N | In | ||||||||
N/C | Not cool | ||||||||
N/S | No **** | ||||||||
N2M | Not too much | ||||||||
NALOPKT | Not a lot of people know that | ||||||||
N-A-Y-L | In a while | ||||||||
NAZ | Name/address/zip | ||||||||
NCMO | Non-committal makeout | ||||||||
NE1 | Anyone | ||||||||
NETUA | Nobody ever tells us anything | ||||||||
NFI | No ******* idea | ||||||||
NGL | Not gonna lie | ||||||||
NL | Not likely | ||||||||
NM | Never mind | ||||||||
NM | Never mind / nothing much | ||||||||
NMH | Not much here | ||||||||
NMJC | Nothing much, just chillin’ | ||||||||
NMU | Not much, you? | ||||||||
NOM | No offense meant | ||||||||
NOTTOMH | Not of the top of my mind | ||||||||
NOYB | None of your business | ||||||||
NOYFB | None of your ******* business | ||||||||
NP | No problem | ||||||||
NSFW | Not Safe for Work | ||||||||
NVM | Never mind | ||||||||
OBTW | Oh, by the way | ||||||||
OF | On fire | ||||||||
OFIS | On floor with stitches | ||||||||
OIC | Oh, I see | ||||||||
OK | Abbreviation of okay | ||||||||
OL | Old lady (wife, girlfriend) | ||||||||
OLL | Online love | ||||||||
OM | Old man (husband, boyfriend) | ||||||||
OMW | On my way | ||||||||
OMFG | Oh my ******* God! | ||||||||
OMG | Oh my god / gosh / goodness | ||||||||
OOC | Out of character | ||||||||
OOTD/OTD | Outfit of the day | ||||||||
OSIF | Oh **** I forgot | ||||||||
OT | Off topic / other topic | ||||||||
OTOH | On the other hand | ||||||||
OTP | On the phone | ||||||||
OTP | Stands for One True Pairing. An acronym used to describe a couple that is meant to be | ||||||||
OTTOMH | Off the top of my head | ||||||||
P911 | Parent alert | ||||||||
PAL | Parents are listening | ||||||||
PAW | Parents are watching | ||||||||
PDOMA | Pulled directly out of my ass | ||||||||
PIR | Parent in room | ||||||||
PLZ | Please | ||||||||
PM | Private Message | ||||||||
PMFJI | Pardon me for jumping in | ||||||||
PMJI | Pardon my jumping in | ||||||||
PMO | Pissed me off | ||||||||
PMP | Peed my pants | ||||||||
POAHF | Put on a happy face | ||||||||
POS | Parent over shoulder | ||||||||
POTB | Pats on the back | ||||||||
POTS | Parents over the shoulder | ||||||||
PPL | People | ||||||||
PSA | Public show of affection | ||||||||
Q4U | Question for you | ||||||||
QSL | Reply | ||||||||
QSO | Conversation | ||||||||
QT | Cutie | ||||||||
RIHAD | Rot in hell and die | ||||||||
RN | Right now | ||||||||
ROFL | Rolling on floor laughing | ||||||||
ROFLAPMP | Rolling on floor laughing and peeing my pants | ||||||||
ROFLMAO | Rolling on floor laughing my a** off | ||||||||
ROFLOLAY | Rolling on floor laughing out loud at you | ||||||||
ROFLOLTSDMC | Rolling on floor laughing out loud tears streaming down my cheeks | ||||||||
ROFLOLUTS | Rolling on floor laughing out loud unable to speak | ||||||||
ROFLOLWTIME | Rolling on floor laughing out loud with tears in my eyes | ||||||||
ROTFL | Rolling on the floor laughing | ||||||||
RT | Retweet | ||||||||
RTF | Read the FAQ | ||||||||
RTM | Read the manual | ||||||||
RTSM | Read the stupid manual | ||||||||
RU. . . | Are you. . . .? | ||||||||
RUTTM | Are you talking to me? | ||||||||
RUUP4IT | Are you up for it? | ||||||||
RVD | Really very dumb | ||||||||
SU | Shut up | ||||||||
S2R | Send to receive (pictures) | ||||||||
SAMAGAL | Stop annoying me and get a life | ||||||||
SCNR | Sorry, could not resist | ||||||||
SETE | Smiling ear to ear | ||||||||
SH | So hot | ||||||||
SH | Same here | ||||||||
SHICPMP | So happy I could pee my pants | ||||||||
SHID | Slaps head in disgust | ||||||||
SHMILY | See how much I love you | ||||||||
SIM | S***, it’s Monday | ||||||||
SITD | Still in the dark | ||||||||
SITWB | Sorry, in the wrong box | ||||||||
SMH | Shaking my head | ||||||||
SNAFU | Situation normal, all f***ed up | ||||||||
SO | Significant other | ||||||||
SOHF | Sense of humor failure | ||||||||
SOMY | Sick of me yet? | ||||||||
SPAM | Stupid persons advertisement | ||||||||
SRY | Sorry | ||||||||
SSDD | Same s*** different day | ||||||||
STBY | STBY | ||||||||
STFU | Shut the **** up | ||||||||
STW | Search the web | ||||||||
SWAK | Sealed with a kiss | ||||||||
SWALK | Sweet, with all love, kisses | ||||||||
SWDYT | So what do you think? | ||||||||
SWL | Screaming with laughter | ||||||||
SYS | See you soon | ||||||||
TA | Thanks again | ||||||||
TAW | Teachers are watching | ||||||||
TBH | To Be Honest | ||||||||
TBT | Throwback Thursday | ||||||||
TCO | Taken care of | ||||||||
TDTM | Talk dirty to me | ||||||||
TFW | The freakin’/f***in’ way | ||||||||
TGIF | Thank god, it’s Friday | ||||||||
THTH | Too hot to handle | ||||||||
THX | Thanks | ||||||||
TIA | Thanks in advance | ||||||||
TIIC | The idiots in charge | ||||||||
TIL | Today I Learned | ||||||||
TJM | That’s just me | ||||||||
TMA | Take my advice | ||||||||
TMI | Too much information | ||||||||
TMS | Too much showing | ||||||||
TNSTAAFL | There’s no such thing as a free lunch | ||||||||
TNX | Thanks | ||||||||
TOH | To other half | ||||||||
TOM | Tomorrow | ||||||||
TOY | Thinking of you | ||||||||
TPTB | The powers that be | ||||||||
TS | Tough s*** | ||||||||
TSDMC | Tears streaming down my cheeks | ||||||||
TT2T | Too tired to talk | ||||||||
TTFN | Ta ta for now | ||||||||
TTT | Thought that, too | ||||||||
TTUL | Talk to you later | ||||||||
TTYIAM | Talk to you in a minute | ||||||||
TTYL | Talk to you later | ||||||||
TTYLMF | Talk to you later my friend | ||||||||
TU | Turn Up | ||||||||
TWMA | Till we meet again | ||||||||
TX | Thanks | ||||||||
TY | Thank you | ||||||||
TYVM | Thank you very much | ||||||||
U IZAH | You is a hoe | ||||||||
U2 | You too | ||||||||
UAPITA | You’re a pain in the a** | ||||||||
UR | Your | ||||||||
UR? | You are… ? | ||||||||
URAQT! | You are a cutie! | ||||||||
UW | You’re welcome | ||||||||
VBG | Very big grin | ||||||||
VBS | Very big smile | ||||||||
W/E | Whatever | ||||||||
W8 | Wait | ||||||||
W8AM | Wait a minute | ||||||||
WAY | Who are you? | ||||||||
WB | Welcome back | ||||||||
WBS | Write back soon | ||||||||
WDHLM | Why doesn’t he love me? | ||||||||
WBU | What about you | ||||||||
WDYWTD | What do you want to do? | ||||||||
WDYWTTA | What do you want to talk about? | ||||||||
WE | Whatever | ||||||||
WFM | Works for me | ||||||||
WP | Wrong person | ||||||||
WRT | With respect to | ||||||||
WTF | What the f*** | ||||||||
WTF | Who the f*** | ||||||||
WTG | Way to go | ||||||||
WTGP | Want to go private? | ||||||||
WTH | What the heck | ||||||||
WTMI | Way too much information | ||||||||
WTTP | Want to trade photos? | ||||||||
WU | What’s up? | ||||||||
WUD | What’s up dog? | ||||||||
WUF | Where are you from? | ||||||||
WUWT | What’s up with that? | ||||||||
Y | Why | ||||||||
Y2K | You’re too kind | ||||||||
YATB | You are the best | ||||||||
YBS | You’ll be sorry | ||||||||
YG | Young gentleman | ||||||||
YL | Young lady | ||||||||
YL | You’ll live | ||||||||
YM | You mean | ||||||||
YM | Young man | ||||||||
YMMD | You’ve made my day | ||||||||
YMMV | Your mileage may vary | ||||||||
YOLO | You Only Live Once | ||||||||
YOYO | You’re on your own | ||||||||
YVW | You’re very welcome | ||||||||
YW | You’re welcome | ||||||||
YWIA | You’re welcome in advance | ||||||||
YWTHM | You want to hug me | ||||||||
YWTKM | You want to kiss me | ||||||||
YWTLM | You want to love me | ||||||||
ZZZ | Sleeping, bored, or tired |
Warning: The content below may contain offensive language.
22 | A 22 caliber gun |
187 | Murder (California penal code) |
911 | Police |
Adulting | To behave like an adult, specifically to do the things—often mundane—that an adult is expected to do |
A’ight | Short for “all right” |
Aura Points | An online trend that keeps track of social acceptance or coolness; points you receive when you do something good. |
Autotune | A tone or sound used to distort music. Usually used to disguise off-key singing. This tone was used to produce Cher’s “Believe” and is also used frequently by Kanye West. |
Awks | Awkward |
B | Alternative for a friend’s name |
Badonkadonk | An expression for an extremely curvaceous female behind. |
Bae | Before Anyone Else; also known as babe or baby. Is used to describe someone that is important or attractive |
Banana | A slang term for penis |
Bands | $1,000 |
Bangin’ | A euphemism for having sex. Can also describe a good looking person. i.e. “That girl is bangin’.” |
Basic | To be plain; uninteresting; mainstream in a negative way |
Beating the bishop | A slang term for male masturbation |
Beaver | A slang term for vagina |
Beef | A conflict between two people. i.e. “I have beef against her.” |
Beg | A suck up or wannabe |
Bet! | Also means Yes! or Let’s Go! Does not refer to an exchange of goods based on winning a challenge. |
Beta | Someone who or something that is not cool; less assertive; weak; the opposite of Sigma |
Binge-Watch | To watch many or all episodes of (a TV series) in rapid succession. |
Boi | When someone is doing something stupid you usually call them this followed by putting your palms together and pointing them at the person |
Bone Out | to leave |
Boo | A significant other. Sometimes used to describe a friend. |
Booty Call | Euphemism for a late night call for sex. A “one night stand”. |
Bottom Bitch | A female sex worker appointed by the trafficker/pimp to ‘supervise’ the other victims |
Boujee | Looking or acting like one is rich |
Bounce | To leave a place. |
Box | A slang term for vagina |
Bread | Slang term for money. |
Bruh | A nickname for “bro” (friend) |
Buggin’ | To act strange or paranoid. |
Buns or That’s Buns | Can have opposite meanings depending on context; either ‘that’s great’ or ‘that sucks’ |
Busted | To shoot at someone. |
Butter/Butta | Smooth. Could describe music, a dance move, or a style of dress. |
Bye Felicia | A way to dismiss someone |
Cancel | A rejection of a person, place or thing |
Canceled | To make someone or something irrelevant due to current drama. |
Can’t Even | Refers to moments when someone is at a loss of words for something |
Cap/No Cap | Lying/Not Lying |
Chat | Used to reference a group of people; friends; classmates |
Cheese/Cheddar | Slang term for money |
Cheugy | Cringey or awkward; basic or out-dated |
Chillaxin’ | A cross between chillin’ and relaxing. |
Chillin’ | To relax |
Choosing Up | The process by which a different pimp takes “ownership” of a victim, often met with violence from former pimp and/or money transaction |
Circuit/Track | A series of cities among which sex trafficked people are moved. |
Cook. Let’s cook. I’m cooking. Let [them] cook. | To be doing well or to freely allow someone to continue doing something they are doing well without interfering. |
Crash Out | Consequences coming from a poor decision; Overreaction to something that is apparently trivial |
Cray | Crazy |
Creeper | A person who “creeps” or stalks someone. Sometimes used to describe a person thought to be weird or strange. |
Crew/Krew | A person’s group of friends. |
Cringe | Uncool. |
Crunk/Krunk | A combination of the words crazy and drunk. This term was made popular by Bay Area rap. |
Crusty | A term used to reference the hygiene or societal status/difference of another; a term also used to describe individuals without permanent housing. |
Curve | To reject someone romantically. |
Dab | A simple dance move or gesture in which a person drops their head into the bent crook of a slanted, upwardly angled arm, while raising the opposite arm out straight in a parallel direction |
Dead | Used to express something being extremely funny which causes you to laugh so hard it figuratively kills you. |
Deep | A serious situation. Can also be a way of saying you’re hanging out with a lot of people. i.e. “We’re rollin’ deep into this club.” |
Delulu | Delusional. |
Deluxe | Someone or something that is considered to be of a very high standard. |
Demure | Modest; reserved; cutesy; coy |
Do It for the Plot | A phrase commonly used to hype or encourage someone to take action despite the challenge; a new version of Y.O.L.O. |
Doe | Short for “though” |
Dope | Cool or awesome. Also slang for drugs, usually marijuana. |
Dough | Slang term for money |
Drip | A really cool outfit or clothing item |
Emo | A depressed or melodramatic person. Derived from the “emo” genre of music, which sounds like “soft” punk music. |
Extra | Used to describe a person who is being over the top or exaggerating |
Facepalm | A gesture in which the palm of one’s hand is brought to one’s face, as an expression of disbelief, shame, or exasperation. |
“Facts!” | A phrase that is used when something is believed to be true to when someone heavily relates to something being said. |
Fam | An abbreviation used to refer to someone or a group of people that are close to you, i.e. close friends |
Fanum Tax | Taking food from or between friends; stealing or theft. |
Fasho | Short for “for sure” |
Feels | A response to something that provides an intense feeling of euphoria |
Fetch | Cool, awesome, or good |
Finna | Going to/about to |
Finesse | Getting something taken from you in a slick way OR To perfect or smooth things out, both visually and emotionally. |
Finessed | To steal from someone or to scam them |
Fire | Incredible, crazy, nice, cool, awesome |
First World Problem | A usually minor or trivial problem or annoyance experienced by people in relatively affluent or privileged circumstances especially as contrasted with problems of greater social significance facing people in poor and underdeveloped parts of the world. |
Flex | Means to show off one’s muscles or can be used to show off in more general terms |
Fly | Cool or attractive person or object |
Fo shizzle | Another way of saying “for sure” |
Forty | Referring to a forty ounce of beer. Also part of a popular drinking game “Forty Hands” where a person tapes forty ounces of beer to each hand and cannot remove it until he/she drinks it all. |
Frontin’ | Someone who’s putting on a façade or is pretending to be someone they’re not. |
Fuchi | Gross |
Fugly | F**king ugly |
Ghosting | To “disappear” by not calling, texting, or talking to a certain person; to avoid someone until they get the picture and stop contacting you. |
Giving Me Life | This phrase is commonly used when something is getting a person excited or full of euphoria |
Glazing | An act of extreme admiration, worship, or fawning; usually directed toward another person. |
“Go Stupid” | A term made popular by Bay Area rap meaning to get crazy or to perform a particular dance move. It can also be related to drug use. |
Gorilla Pimp | A sex trafficker who controls their victims almost entirely through physical violence and force. |
Grill | Another way of saying mouth or teeth. |
Gucci | Cool, good |
Hardcore | Intense. Could be a good experience but can also describe when something bad happens. |
Hater/H8er | A person who hates everything. Can also be used to describe someone you don’t like or who is expressing dislike for you. |
Hella | Originated from the streets of San Francisco in the Hunters Point neighborhood. It is commonly used in place of “really” or “very” when describing something. i.e.”That movie was hella cool.” |
High-key | When more than 5 people know about something that is supposedly “low-key” |
Hits Different | Something that is considered so unique, one-of-a-kind, or exceptional that it is hard to describe or communicate. |
Ho | A derogatory term for a female; short for whore |
Holla | A phrase used to call to a friend. Can also be associated with calling someone on the phone. |
Homie/Homey/Homeboy | Usually used to describe a good friend but can be used just to describe another person, often associated with being a gangster. |
Hundo-P | Short for 100% sure or positive |
Hype | When someone gets excited about something |
Ick | Something that is gross or disgusting |
“I’m Sat” | I’m listening. |
Jacked | Slang for stolen or for a situation that’s not right |
Keep it 100 | Also known as “Keep it Real” |
Keep it Real | To be true to yourself or to relax |
Kickin’ it | Taking it easy, relaxing, spending time with friends. |
Kicks | Slang term for shoes |
Kitty | A slang term for vagina |
Lit | Cool, awesome |
Lock In or Locked In | Focus |
Low-key | A warning that what they’re saying isn’t something they want everyone to know |
Mad Dog | Staring or glaring at another person intending to intimidate them |
Marginal | A friend who is a taker, not a giver – someone that never shows up or pays for a tab or helps in any way. |
Mewing | Repositioning the tongue in the mouth to prevent conversation |
Mog/Mogging | Another word for the social media trend of “looksmaxing”; when another person is one-upped based on looks, appearance, attractiveness, or overall dominance. |
Moots | Mutual friends/followers. |
My B/My Bad | Means “my mistake” |
Netflix ‘n Chill | To meet under the pretense of watching Netflix/TV together when actually planning to meet for “making out” or sex |
Nine Trey Gangsters | A violent set of the United Blood Nation street gang, which is itself a set of the Bloods street gang. The gang operates on the East Coast of the United States. |
No New Friends | A phrase used to show cohesiveness amongst friends and an aversion to new “fair weather friends”. |
Obvi | Short for the term “Obviously” |
O.G. | Abbreviation for “Original Gangster”; reference for one of the original members of a clique, set, or gang; in some cases describes a person who has killed someone; also describes someone who is “original” or true to the game/has never “sold out”. |
Ohio | Not to be confused with the state, describes something as bad or stupid |
Off the Chain/Hook | A situation or object that is really cool. |
On Fleek or Snatched | on-point or very good |
On Read | Someone opened your message and did not reply |
One hunna | 100% |
Opp | Someone that someone does not like nor consider a friend; considered an enemy. |
Or Nah | Another way of saying “or not” |
Out of Pocket | When a sex worker violates a trafficker’s rules. May involve communicating with another trafficker, staying longer than usual on a call, or keeping more money than allowed. |
Owned | To be made a fool of or to be defeated by someone else. |
Pen | Vape for weed or tobacco, uses cartridges |
Pimp/Daddy | A person who controls and financially benefits from the commercial sexual exploitation of another person |
Playa/Player | A person who has a lot of romantic relationships, usually characterized as a cheater. |
Plotting | Hanging out |
Plug | Drug dealer |
Po | Short for police |
Pookie | A way to describe something or someone who is cute; a term of endearment intended to show care. |
Pop a Cap | To shoot at someone |
Props | Indicates proper respect, much like giving a “gold star” to someone |
Pressed | Feelings of anger toward someone else or when one experiences excessive worry/anxiety/fear. |
Put the Fries in the Bag | Stop talking or move on to a new topic |
Queen/Kween | Someone who is slaying |
Rack/dough | Money |
Reppin’ | Short for representing. Used to describe allegiance to a group, product, or idea. “I’ll be reppin’ this shirt until I die.” |
Rides | Shoes or sneakers |
Rizz | Short for charisma/someone who is attractive or alluring because of their charisma and charm |
Roasted | To get burned or made fun of by a group of people |
Rollin’ | Can be used to describe being on drugs. Also means a way of moving or traveling. |
Salty | Bitter about something or someone |
Savage | Someone who doesn’t care about the consequences of his or her actions. |
School Bus | A 2-mg Xanax bar |
Shade | Usually used in the phrase, “throwing shade” meaning a person delivering an insult |
Shank | Prison terminology for inmate’s “homemade” knife; can also refer to the act of stabbing someone. |
Ship | Short for “relationship” |
Shut Up | Means “tell me more” or expresses excitement or amazement at a situation. i.e.”He asked you out? Shut up!” |
Sick/Ill | Used to describe something/someone cool |
Side-Eye | A facial expression expressing one’s criticism, disapproval, animosity, or scorn of varying levels of intensity towards another person. |
Sigma | Someone or something that is cool but still humble; independent; confident; the opposite of Beta |
Sip the Tea | Minding one’s own business |
Skibidi | Can have multiple meanings based on context including cool or dumb; iterations include On Skib which has a similar meaning to Bet |
Skurt | Go away or leave |
Slay | Succeeded in something |
Smacks | Used to describe something good |
Smash | To have casual sex |
Snap | Used as a verb to describe the action of Snapchatting someone |
Snatched | Can take the place of “on fleek”, “on point”, “perfect”, or “fashionable” |
Solid Maybe | When you probably can’t do something but don’t want to eliminate the possibility. |
Spill the Tea | To share gossip |
Squad | Referred to a group of friends or a clique. Many also use the phrase “squad goals” which means aspiring to be like a certain group or clique |
Stable | A group of trafficked women and girls under the control of the same trafficker |
Standing on Business/10 Toes | An expression of seriousness or sincerity toward something that someone said or did. |
Straight Fire | Something that is trendy or hot |
Sus | When someone is acting suspicious or shady |
SW | Sex Work |
Sweat | Try-hard or know-it-all |
Swerve | Telling someone to go away |
Telly | Sex trafficking term for hotel |
The Game/The Life | The subculture of trafficking/prostitution |
The Plug | Used to describe someone who is a resource for obtaining something valuable that would otherwise be difficult to obtain |
Thirsty | Being desperate for something |
THOT or “Thottie” | Stands for “that ho over there” |
Tight | Used to describe something/someone cool |
Tool | A derogatory term for someone, usually meaning that person is lame or “tries too hard.” It can also mean someone who’s being used by another person. |
Touch Grass | A way to tell those spending too much time online to experience more time in the real world space; get outside or away from the virtual world. |
Trap House | A form of indoor prostitution where sex is exchanged for drugs |
Trappin’ | To be dealing drugs |
Trick/John/Date | An individual who buys sex |
Trick Out | To add accessories to something, usually a vehicle. Also known as to “pimp” something. |
Trippin ‘ | To overreact. Can also reference being on drugs. |
Try hard | A person usually of little talent who tries hard to succeed, especially through imitation, usually to gain fame or popularity. |
Turnt | To be hyped up; energized; having fun |
v. | Very |
V Card | Euphemism for virginity |
VSCO Girl | A term, generally used as an insult, for a young, usually white woman who posts trendy pictures of herself edited on the app VSCO. |
Wack | Something crazy or insane |
Wanksta | Short for “wannabe gangster.” Someone who acts tough but isn’t pulling it off. |
Weak | That was funny |
“What’s the move?” | What’s happening? |
Whip | A car or vehicle |
Wifey | Used for someone who exemplifies wife material |
Wifey/Sister Wife/Wie in Law | Relationship between two women who are controlled by the same trafficker |
Winter arc | a time period when you become (or try to become) your best version of yourself |
Woke | Aware of and sensitive to current events and social justice issues |
Yadida | Short for “you know”; made popular by Bay Area rap |
Yadidamean | Short for “you know what I mean”; made popular by Bay Area rap. |
Yas | Adding emphasis on the word “yes” |
Yeet | Yell of enthusiasm, validation, surprise, or all-around energy; to throw something |
Yuurr | Another way of saying Yes, Yessir, Okay; expression that someone has been heard. |
For more slang terminology, click here to Visit Urban Dictionary.