Updates from BOOST

BOOST Vibes – Messages of Hope, Love & Inspiration

BOOST vibes glowing text over palm tree background

In recognition of the week we would have been together, we’ve asked the BOOST Leadership Team, BOOST Ambassadors, and Breakfast Club Bloggers to share messages of hope & inspiration with the field, to connect our community until we can gather together again.


For many of us in the movement, the end of the day comes around 6PM, some a bit later, especially the family that consistently picks up late every day… Believe me been there! We are tired and guess what, we do it all over again at 6AM! We find ourselves, asking ourselves, why do we do it? Why do we dedicate our lives to this hectic, chaotic, loud, busy, fill the next word in with your favorite synonym! Well, I’ll tell you why.

In your program, you have a young lady who is trying to discover herself, she can go in many directions, the majority of directions in which lead to homelessness, abusive relationships, gangs, drug use, alcohol, you name it. But because of you…

because you made sure to keep that young girl active in the chaos.
because you waited until 7PM, for her to get picked up.
because you make sure to get there before program hours started, to make sure she wouldn’t stand in the rain.
because you made sure to get her to focus and complete her assignments.
Because you stood up to the bullies who challenged her abilities.
Because you took that extra step to give her opportunities she never would have had.
Because you believed and told her she would be something someday.
Remember her, during those hard times, those times we almost give up.

Remember her, you know during those times where you think out loud to your bestie and complain about whatever it is that day.

Because of you, she has beat the odds!

Because of you, she is a productive citizen of her community!

Because of you, she stuck with school and holds multiple degrees!

Because of you, she became what she was always meant to be.

Believe me, she will never forget you.

Jessica Barajas, BOOST Leadership Team & Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater San Diego, San Diego, CA


Hi BOOST Family – Martha Graham said, “When you start with an idea, or something hits you, then you have to follow that through to the end, and it’s the following through to the end that makes the pattern. That, for me, is choreography.”

My message to the BOOST Family is to keep creating those new patterns; keep generating new ideas and keep following them through to the end.  Be the choreographer of your own future… I believe in you!

Robin Berlinsky, Breakfast Club Blogger & Engaging Creative Minds, Charleston, SC


One thing I know about the BOOST community, we know how to adapt!  We are committed to the students we work with and do what we need to do to be there for them, especially during unprecedented times. Thank you to my fellow out-of-school and in-school professionals who have been responding with care and determination that students do not miss out on quality programs and learning opportunities. I feel I can get through this when I remember what a powerful community I am part of.

Christina Contreras, BOOST Leadership Team & Ocean Discovery Institute, San Diego, CA


In these uncertain times, we are all in this together. Kindness is infectious and matters now more than ever. Be kind to one another… and pass it on!

Matt Farber, Breakfast Club Blogger & University of Northern Colorado, Fort Collins, CO


Hi friends and colleagues! My message of encouragement is for all of us to find time for a little wonder and imagination in our day – whether that’s a short nature walk, something creative indoors or even trying a new recipe. So today… take a little playfulness break and know we’re all in this together.

Daniel Hatcher, Breakfast Club Blogger & Alliance for a Healthier Generation, Washington, DC


To our Community Superheroes, I want to say “THANK YOU”! I know you are working beyond the hours of your workday to ensure your students, staff, and community are supported, loved, and cared for. I know that you might be tired, please take care of yourself and find time just for YOU! You are doing amazing work and I am grateful to be serving alongside you.

Suzanne Hill, BOOST Leadership Team, Orange County Department of Education, Costa Mesa, CA


One thing I’m reminding myself of these days is that we can bring the spirit of BOOST to everything we do, every day. The positivity and joy of this community exists within each of us, and it’s up to us to spread that around and lift up those around us. The world needs our hope and joy now more than ever!

Katie Lorge, BOOST Collaborative, San Diego, CA


In these trying times we must remember our values. Kindness, joy, humility, and hope are mine.  Thank you for all the innovative ways you are keeping children educated, entertained, supported, and safe.  I so look forward to seeing you all in April 2021 at BOOST!!!

Brad Lupien, BOOST Ambassador, Breakfast Club Blogger & arc, Los Angeles, CA



Dear Expanded Learning lovelies!

What a wild and difficult year it has been. We are all being asked to dig deep into our wells of strength, stamina, hope and compassion as we navigate through the weeks and months of the pandemic and the many stresses it brings. While our challenges may be overwhelming they are not insurmountable.  As expanded learning professionals we are inherently creative, resourceful, and caring connectors that make a positive impact on kids and community – no matter where, how, what platform, or what building. We spread the love.

Please know you are not alone. This BOOST community cares for YOU and is rooting you on! Keep on doing your best and together we will do great things.

Love and hugs from SoCal!

Amira Resnick, Breakfast Club Blogger, BOOST Leadership Team & Alliance for a Healthier Generation, Los Angeles, CA


The Reach for The Stars program is sending love and support to the thousands of amazing individuals that serve our children. You are stronger than you realize! You are shaping the future of our children in ways that only our field does. In these challenging times, love more, make time to listen and take care of each other! We will get through this together.

Becky Shultz, BOOST Leadership Team & Whittier School District-Reach For The Stars, Whittier, CA


Hello, BOOSTers! 2020 has been quite the ride and we are so grateful for all of the educators who have stepped up, adjusted, and worked tirelessly to ensure that all of our youth and families are covered this school year. We miss you all so much and cannot wait to be learning with you under the Palm Springs sunshine! Stay well.

Deanna Underwood, BOOST Collaborative, San Diego, CA


To all of the angels who rise to the challenges every day,

We are resourceful in every sense, as our work has always required us to be. Creativity thrives in the face of evolving and challenging conditions.  Lead with love and compassion (thanks Michael Funk!), keeping equity in the forefront of our minds and at the core of our hearts.  We can then authentically and meaningfully lean into each moment we face.  Peace.

Zachary Wilson​, LA’s BEST/LAUSD, Los Angeles, CA

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BOOST Collaborative is a unique, purpose-driven organization committed to supporting those serving youth in the out-of-school time hours by providing quality professional development, opportunities for networking & partnerships, and leadership training. Together, we make a difference.

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