
  • ElizaBeth Phillips posted an update in the group Group logo of School Age CareSchool Age Care 7 years, 6 months ago

    Hi there- One of the great networking opportunities about BOOST is the opportunity to connect with people who work in similar program types. This past BOOST, Nicole and I spend some quality “poolside” time talking about some of the current issues that are impacting school age care- things like the new SACERS, the possible change in California’s title 5 permit requirements, Desired Results Tech, finding staff, preschool QRIS and it’s impact on school age, funding, and so much more. We had a brain pop and decided to start a BOOST cafe group to continue the support and conversation.

    Please introduce yourself and feel free to invite others. Also please add to the conversation topics of interest based on your state, funding type, etc.

    Looking forward to seeing everyone at BOOST 2018

    • Hi- I work for CDI|CDC. We provided licensed school age care, preschool, and infant/toddler programs throughout the state of California. We are a mix of funding streams including CDE funds and parent fees.