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Financial Aid

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U.S. News & World Report Education

Here students, parents, and administrators can find the latest news on financial aid and paying for college.

U.S. Department of Education

The United States Department of Education establishes policies on federal financial aid for education, and distribution and monitoring of those funds. In addition, the department collects data of America’s schools and disseminates research. The website contains information for educators, students, parents, and administrators.

The Center for College Affordability and Productivity

The Center for College Affordability and Productivity (CCAP) researches the rising costs and stagnant efficiency in high education. CCAP disseminates information on student financial aid policy, causes of higher education inefficiency, productivity of faculty, and for-profit high education in an effort to improve accessibility and quality. is a government-supported website that provides counseling, tools, resources, and how to manage repayment of student loans. There is also plenty of information about which loans to use and what they will mean for the future of students.

Student Aid Alliance

Student Aid Alliance is an advocacy organization that supports federal student aid so students can pursue high education without excessive debt. The website provides information on policy, advocacy, and the importance of current federal aid programs.


SimpleTuition allows parents and students to find common answers to their financial aid questions about loans, scholarships, and how to pay for college. is one of the most trusted free college scholarship and financial aid search engines. This resource allows students to search more than 2.7 million college scholarships worth more than nineteen billion dollars.


NICHE provides an abundance of college scholarships that students can apply for to lessen the burden of student loans. Students can be personally matched to scholarships or they can browse the extensive database and find scholarships they find interesting.

National Merit Scholarship Corporation

NMSC is a nonprofit organization that provides support for honor students around the United States in paying for college and throughout their education.

National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators

The National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA) works to increase student access to postsecondary education, provides professional development of financial aid administrators, and advocates for public policy initiatives that improve student financial assistance.

My College Options

My College Options is a free service that provides students with the opportunity to create a personal online college and career planning profile. Students can match their individual needs, talents, abilities, goals and interests with the offerings of 3,500+ accredited post-secondary institutions across the United States.

Mapping Your Future

Learn how to prepare high school students for life after graduation and direct students and parents to career, college, and financial aid information in your state.