Meet the BLT: Lissa Tsu

Lissa Tsu
Consultant, San Diego, CA

Who or what inspires you?

I am inspired by art and artists. The world would be a much less desirable and beautiful place if artists didn’t risk sharing themselves with the world. I admire both their capability to let us see into their soul and their artistic ability to create. I am always seeking out art and artist friends to ground myself.

Is there a quote or saying that you live your life by?

One quote that has gotten me through a lot of hard times is, “Everything will be okay in the end, and if it isn’t okay, it isn’t the end.”

What is one characteristic that you believe every leader should possess?

I believe every leader should possess the ability to not take things personally, oh and do what you say you are going to do!

What advice would you give someone going into a leadership position for the first time?

Listen more than you talk at first.

What are you doing to ensure you continue to grow and develop as a leader?

I try my best to be open to constructive criticism.

What book are you currently reading?

A Backpack, a Bear, and Eight Crates of Vodka: A Memoir by Lev Golinkin

Why are you a part of the BOOST Leadership Team?

I am part of the BOOST Leadership Team because I believe that professional development for those of us working in the out-of-school field is sometimes sorely missing, and its impact can be tremendous on the youth we serve.

For breakfast, I had plain yogurt topped with strawberries and almonds and coffee.

Author: @ltsu