An Instant Activity Blueprint to Get All Kids Moving

It’s a fact. Kids need physical activity.

Frequent physical activity has been linked to a variety of positive developmental outcomes for kids, including improved health, cognition, and even behavior. As “fitness mentors” it’s important we provide kids ample opportunities to be active throughout the day.

While this sounds good in theory, the time, space, and equipment we have available to inspire kids to be active may be limited. Not to mention, we can quickly run out of ideas as little bodies and brains are always looking for a new challenge.

Working with kids in the classroom, sports fields, and fitness studios, I faced these struggles daily. Different programs had different constraints for time, developmental levels, and other resources. To address these issues, I created an “Instant Activity” framework I could use anywhere that combines essential developmental physical skills in a fun and engaging program. These programs can be designed “on the fly” with no equipment, very little space, and any level of physical ability.

I had a tremendous amount of success, as did the educators, coaches, and other fitness mentors that started using this simple activity blueprint on a daily basis to get kids moving in classrooms, gymnasiums, and other venues.

Below I share how to create this on-going physical activity generator to continually provide children with a fun and engaging movement challenge.

Step 1: List Fundamental Movement Skills

Fundamental Movement Skills create a foundation for the ability to be competent and confident with physical activity for life. These include the skills of locomotion, stationary movement control, and object manipulation.

While object manipulation is an essential physical skill, due to limitations for equipment and time, we did not include these in our instant activity framework. However, in a broader physical activity program, these are prioritized.

Begin by creating a list of both stationary movement control and locomotion activities. These range from various callisthenic and balance activities for stationary movement control to the various ways to move the body from point “A” to point “B” for locomotion skills. Examples of both are below.

Stationary Movement Control                                                                           Locomotion

Forward/backward bends                                                                                       Roll

Side bend                                                                                                                   Crawl

Rotation                                                                                                                      Walk

Single leg balance                                                                                                     Run

Squat                                                                                                                           Skip

Alternating Lunge                                                                                                      March

Push up                                                                                                                       Bound

Crab hip hold                                                                                                             Gallop

Plank                                                                                                                            Lateral shuffle

Cobra                                                                                                                          Jump

Jumping Jack                                                                                                              Hop

While there are various skills listed in academic literature, it’s important to list skills with which you are familiar with and comfortable demonstrating.

Step 2: List “Movement Variables”

Movement Variables are ways by which to slightly modify aspects of a movement such as effort, space, and the position of the body in relation to itself and other objects or people in the environment. These provide unique demands when combined with fundamental movement skills.  Additionally, they aid in improving coordination, helping children explore the possibilities for the many ways in which the body can move.

While there are nearly infinite ways by which to modify a movement, a basic framework for effort, space, and relationships helps simplify program design. Below are some ideas for Movement Variables that fit these categories.




Begin by taking one of the fundamental movement skills from the list and add a Movement Variable for either effort, space, or relationships.

For example:

The simplest design, to begin with, is one Fundamental movement skill and one movement variable.  Change the movement variable every 10 seconds for a total of 60 seconds. Change to another Fundamental Movement Skill and repeat. Do this for five different fundamental movement skills and you have a fun and dynamic 5-minute activity circuit that engages the body and the brain.  Additionally, it aids children in developing a “movement context,” making learning physical skills easier and more relevant. A more advanced version is to combine multiple Movement Variables with one Fundamental Movement Skill.

For extremely limited space, nearly every combination can be done in place. To occupy more or less time, add additional Fundamental Movements or Movement Variables. We have found 5 minutes to be an adequate amount of time for these activities, but we have used much shorter and longer variations as well. We have used variations of this framework for kids starting at 5 years old on up to adults. Taking the time to write these down in a basic framework provides a quick and easy-to-use tool anytime you wish to get kids up and moving.

We have created a foldable pocket guide that can be used to create programs ahead of time or on the fly. You can download it here.

To see this click here!

Enjoy this simple way to inspire kids to be more active!

For breakfast, I had 5 eggs, 2 pieces of peanut butter toast, and sautéed kale. (I’m a breakfast person!)

Author: @brettk