The Science and Art of Helping Kids Love Physical Activity

Creating a physical activity program for grade schoolers that engages all children involved is both a science and an art.  The science of child development, motivational psychology, and human behavior help us create an enriching program. The art of creating a fun, play-like, inclusive environment gets all kids excited to participate.

Using imaginative, play-based activities to introduce critical developmental skills is a perfect culmination of the art and science behind getting kids to enjoy becoming fit and physical literate for life.

Consider the 60-minute program outlined below showcasing sensory and fundamental movement skills using creative exploration, interactive games, and a huge dose of fun.  We have found this program to be successful with grade school kids between the ages of 6 and 11.


SPIDERstart (5 Minutes)

Warm Up/Sensory Prep (10 minutes)

Skill of the Day (5 minutes)

1-2 Movement Skill or Sensory Awareness Games (5-10 minutes)

Circuit stations (10-15 Minutes)

Group Game or Conditioning Activity (5-10 Minutes)

Cool down/Self- regulation (5-10 Minutes)

Breakdown (60 Seconds)

Enjoy employing the art and science of youth physical activity to inspire them to become fit and physically literate for life!

For breakfast, I had 4 eggs, a can of sardines, and avocado.  Yum!

Author: @brettk