Teaching Artists: Consistency – Care – Commitment

At the end of one of BuildaBridge’s Discovery Out-of-School time classes, this exchange happened between Ty (student) & Seth (Teaching Artist).

Ty: “You guys make some sacrifices.”

Seth: “Oh, so you mean you appreciate what we do?”

Ty: ” Yes…actually I’m just gonna come out and say it. I love this place, and I love you guys. The art and the music.”

I would gather our Teaching Artists do not see time they choose to spend enthusiastically & passionately teaching through and making Art with the children we serve as a sacrifice. However, Ty, a recipient of the energy, care, encouragement, and love that results from that enthusiasm and passion recognizes, understands, and appreciates the positive impact their choices have had on him.

Ty understands that his team of BuildaBridge Teaching Artists could be somewhere else, but instead they made the conscious choice to spend their time with him.

It is consistency and an active commitment that make the difference in the lives of the children we have all chosen to serve.

Ty understands that they could be using their creative gifts for self-gain, but instead they are using their gifts in service to others-to him in particular.

He understands that they believe the Art and Music they use to help him develop academic, artistic, character, and social skills is truly a source of healing; providing hope and peace where, perhaps, he had none.

Ty understands all of this because they simply showed up or, to him, they continually made sacrifices.

Most importantly, what Ty understands is that his Teaching Artist team willingly gave up time they could spend at home, with family or friends, or completing school assignments to be with him and the rest of his BuildaBridge classmates. They may not see it as a sacrifice, but he does as it is one that affirms his innate worth, dignity, and capacity to be cared for.

It is consistency and an active commitment that make the difference in the lives of the children we have all chosen to serve. Research continually shows that one of the main protective factors for children who succeed is the presence of one, consistent, caring adult in their lives. I know BuildaBridge could not live out its mission of fostering hope and healing in children, families, and communities in contexts of crisis and poverty without such people.

I doubt your organizations could live out theirs as well.

We often think we need to have the latest in technology, high tech programming/activities, and state of the art facilities to make a difference. This is not so. Simply put, we need to show up-with our care, compassion, and passion in tow. The “Tys” in your programs will notice and I am sure they too will appreciate the “sacrifices” you make.

For breakfast, I had a mango/strawberry/peach/pineapple/peach yogurt/flax seed/almond milk smoothie.

Author: Jamaine Smith
Born and raised in Bushwick, Brooklyn, New York, Jamaine Smith has a background in visual art, K-12 and higher education, non profit administration, and out of school time and summer learning programming. Jamaine is currently pursuing a second master’s degree in Business Administration from Philadelphia University’s Strategic Design MBA program. Jamaine holds a Master of Arts in Urban Studies (Community Arts concentration) from Eastern University’s (Pennsylvania) and a Bachelor of Science in Social Work from Nyack College (New York). It was during his time at Eastern University where Jamaine learned to how to effectively merge the transformative power of the Arts with social justice, education and human development. Jamaine is a certified trainer for BuildaBridge International, an Arts Education and Intervention organization whom engages creative people and the transformative power of the Arts to bring Hope and Healing to children, families, and communities in the tough places of the world.