My Resolution For A Better Me

As we begin 2018, how many of you made a New Year’s resolution? I know I am taking advantage of this opportunity to make a commitment to myself and to make changes in myself. A new year is a perfect time to engage in a fresh start. I, like many people, could resolve to eat better, exercise more, or curb frivolous spending, but instead, I am going to take steps toward better mental health in the new year.

For inspiration to help with my resolution I am turning to Mahatma Gandhi. His gentle approach to life is a testament to the fact that strength is not about physique, but rather comes from within. So here are three resolutions that I am going to incorporate in 2018 to prioritize my mental health as well as inspirational quotes from Mahatma Gandhi to help me succeed:

1)    Be kinder to myself

While this might sound simple to some, I know this will be challenging for me in 2018. To be kinder to myself means to make mistakes without punishing myself. It means to resist negative thinking, the “I’m not smart enough” or “I’m not attractive enough” thoughts. It is accepting that I am flawed and that I will make mistakes, but understanding that those things do not make me less worthy of love, happiness, or respect. To be kinder to myself, I will allow myself to take a pause when I need a break from stressful situations, and do the things that I truly enjoy and help me find my happy place.

2)    Engage in a little “selfishness”

Taking care of others is a priority in my life, however, this leaves little room and practically no time for me. Self-care is important, but some people think it is selfish or inconsiderate. Self-care is vital to our body, mind, and soul. Without self-care, our overall health suffers, as can our relationships and work. Self-care makes us more effective, energetic and produces positive thoughts and feelings. While finding the time for me will be difficult, in 2018 I will take the necessary steps to ensure that my needs are being looked after and met.

3)    Be brave and take risks

We all understand that in order to gain the rewards that we want we are going to have to take risks to get there. I am not talking about behaving foolishly or recklessly, but having the courage to take risks. Since I am going to be kinder to myself for making mistakes, I need to find the courage to try new things even if I make a mistake along the way. In 2018, I will try new things, learn, live, push myself, challenge myself, and improve myself. The important thing to remember with taking a chance on me, and trying something new, is that I need to be comfortable with making mistakes and forgiving myself when I do.

As I say goodbye to 2017 and look forward to 2018, I will be working on a healthier me. Change will be hard, and I know there will be mistakes along the way, but I cannot blame myself. I can only learn from these mistakes and continue to try to improve. As Mahatma Gandhi said, “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”

I will learn from his invaluable wisdom and I will be a better me in 2018!


For breakfast, I had apple cinnamon oatmeal and coffee.

Author: @ericevans