Meet BOOST Partner Jodi Grant – Celebrate BOOST’s Sweet 15

BOOST is turning 15! We will be highlighting our BOOST Bloggers, Ambassadors, Leadership Team members, and Partners weekly through the end of November to say ‘thanks’ to our outstanding team members for their contributions to the in and out-of-school time community.

As we approach our 15-year anniversary, we are reminded of how much we value and appreciate our TEAMBOOST partners and want to share their stories – their journeys through the in and out-of-school time field, their goals and accomplishments, career highlights, and a few fun things about their lives.

Meet our wonderful BOOST Partner, Jodi Grant

Jodi Grant is the Executive Director at the Afterschool Alliance in Washington, D.C.

How did you enter the OST, expanded learning, and/or educational field?

I taught in a summer learning program while I was in college – the summer of 1988. I worked on “English” with middle school students so we wrote a newspaper.

What motivates you to do this work?

The spark I see when kids are engaged, happy, and learning – and the passion and dedication of all the caring adults who work with children and youth.

What are you currently reading or watching?

Atlanta – Final Season

Share some of your greatest accomplishments.

Protecting afterschool funding from elimination in several administrations and also working with elected officials across our country to increase funding and support for afterschool. My favorite experiences always involve seeing programs in action.

What are some big goals you are working toward?

Getting a real sense of what is needed so that every child/youth has access to high-quality afterschool programming. And then truly getting to a point where that is the norm.

What are your top three leadership qualities?

Strategic thinking, having genuine relationships with people in our field at every level, inspiring and empowering others. I strive to treat everyone that works with me with respect and gratitude and to value their opinion especially when we disagree.

Name a leader that you admire and why?

Judy Lichtman – my former boss at the National Partnership for Women and Families, she was tough, smart, kind, and collaborative. Despite her many accomplishments she did not have an ego and was always trying to empower those around her. She never took no for an answer.

Share an inspirational quote that resonates with you.

Don’t dream it, be it. (Rocky Horror Picture Show)

As a child, what were your career aspirations?

I wanted to be a civil rights lawyer and possibly a Supreme Court Justice following my role model, Thurgood Marshall.

What causes are you passionate about?

Giving every child the resources and foundation they need to succeed – hopefully by empowering, engaging and taking care of our children and youth we can make our world better in multiple ways.

What is one of the highlights of your career?

Securing funding for Afterschool in the Covid relief bills and the launch of Every Student Succeeds a national effort to have afterschool for all.

How do you show kindness to others and/or share ways others have shown kindness to you?

Every person deserves to be seen, heard and validated – something I strive to do but don’t always succeed in when interacting with others. As for philanthropy whenever possible I try to provide support anonymously.

What career legacy do you want to leave?

Afterschool to be seen as an essential part of a child/youth’s learning ecosystem.

What’s the biggest mistake you made on the job and what did you learn from it?

It’s hard to pinpoint one big mistake, although I’ve learned a lot in the past 18 years in this position. What I do know is that it is important to take responsibility for my actions, including mistakes and it’s essential to support my team when any of us make mistakes.

Tell us what you had for breakfast!

Two coffees and a cappuccino

Thank you, Jodi, for being a wonderful BOOST partner and for sharing your leadership with the field!