Meet the 2020-2021 BOOST Leadership Team

BLT members at BOOST Conference registration

BOOST Collaborative is pleased to announce the 2020-2021 BOOST Leadership Team. The BOOST Leadership Team is critically important to the success and impact of the BOOST Conference. This amazing team provides big ideas, new connections, and practical strategies while adding credibility to the planning and execution process. This comprehensive Leadership Team represents the diversity of after school, expanded learning, and in and out-of-school time programs and includes representatives serving at all levels of the field. We are a quality conference truly planned by dedicated (and fun) after school, expanded learning, and in and out-of-school time educators, adding voice and value to the needs of the field.

Meet the 2020-2021 BOOST Leadership Team here.

BOOSTer Since Badge“We are pleased to welcome eight new Leadership Team and Implementation Team members this year. With in-depth leadership experience in the field, our team is ready to support the growing and ever-changing needs of our stakeholders and provide a transformational experience virtually and in-person. We appreciate and value our partnerships with these organizations- thank you.
-Tia Quinn, Founder & CEO

Our mission is to build community and cultivate experiences for change. The BOOST Conference was established to provide a leading-edge experience in professional development and serve a niche market of in and out-of-school time educators while creating a movement to inspire youth, inspire learning, and inspire smiling and hugging BLT memberschange. The BOOST Conference is the largest and most comprehensive global professional development convening held annually in Palm Springs, CA.

Read about the BOOST Leadership Team experience on our BOOST Leadership Team Accolades page.

If you are interested in volunteering on-site at the BOOST Conference April 27-30, 2021 in Palm Springs, CA, please email and let us know.

For more information, please visit our websites and stay connected.
BOOST Conference
BOOST Collaborative