Breakfast Club Blog

The BOOST Breakfast Club Blog is a curated space where bloggers from around the world contribute content on a continual basis about a variety of topics relevant to in and out-of-school time. The BOOST Breakfast Club blog is at the heart of an ongoing dialogue where expanded learning and education professionals share their personal thoughts and stories from the in and out-of-school time field. They also tell us what they ate for breakfast!

The views and opinions expressed in this blog are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any other agency, organization, employer, or company. Enjoy the brain food.

The BOOST Breakfast Club Blog is Brain Food for In and Out-of-School Time Leaders!

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What is Bullying?

I believe that the word “bully” evokes different emotions and attitudes in each person because of the extensive variations of its effects on children. After reading several varying definitions of “bullying,” I have chosen the definition because of its inclusive description of “bullying.” “Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school-aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to...Read More

Delivering On Mission – How To Determine Whether Your Organization Measures Up

It seems like nearly every conversation and strategy session that I am part of lately includes discussions about diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI.) As I listen, read, and watch organizations grapple to embrace these values, I am compelled to look deeper and measure the impact of efforts on youth programs. When asked, most leaders point to policies that have been adopted but few share the difference that policy alone makes. At TGR Foundation – A Tiger Woods Charity, our staff meetings have tu...Read More

Navigating Kids Short Attention Spans

If you work with children, you are familiar with the challenges of navigating their short attention spans. While it’s easy to merely label young children as “unfocused,” there are a variety of developmental challenges that interfere with a child’s ability to maximize their attention for a long period of time. Luckily, there are some time-tested program strategies that can help to overcome these challenges and maximize children’s focus, attention, and engagement with a physical activity program. ...Read More

Helping Students Learn by Giving (Webinar #2)

In 2018, Indiana Philanthropy Alliance and Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy partnered to host a free 4-part webinar series designed to support next-gen leadership and giving. Sessions featured national experts and IU Lilly Family School of Philanthropy faculty and students sharing research, resources, and examples of classroom-based grantmaking programs. The second webinar, “Helping Students Learn by Giving,” addressed the need for informed, skilled, and thoughtful philanth...Read More

Engage, Ask, And Listen

If I were sitting in person with you right now, I could ask either: Do you like open-ended questions? OR What power do open-ended questions have in the classroom? Which would guide us towards a more meaningful conversation? You guessed it 😊–  the second one! Ok, so that was easy! Knowing the difference between a closed or open-ended question is the simple part but the intentionality and practice can be more complex. I have personally seen the power of open-ended questions with my four-year...Read More

Turning Crickets Into Stories: Objects and Metaphors For Effective Processing and Reflection

Ahhhh! It is springtime in New England, which means summer is just around the corner.  I live in a city and even though my summer days and nights are filled with the sounds of the city, I often will tune out those noises and tune in to the sounds of nature in my backyard; the sound of the wind rustling through the leaves on the trees, birds chirping, the cicadas whirring, and the rhythmic sound of the crickets, who play reggae in my town neighborhood.  While I love to get lost in the sounds of t...Read More

The Cutting Edge of Youth Learning and Development: Six Things You Should Know and Three Things You Should Do

Four years ago, I wrote a blog post for the BOOST Café titled, Positive Youth Development, an Idea Whose Time Has Come…. Again and Again. The blog highlighted that new research on Grit, Growth Mindset and Social Emotional Learning supported what we in the out-of-school time field have known for a long time. Four years later, the most recent research, once again, supports the importance of a foundation of program quality grounded in Positive Youth Development. A groundbreaking new report recently...Read More

In Spring Time, Kids’ Thoughts Turn to … Cybersecurity Summer Camp?

It’s not quite as big as Opening Day for Major League Baseball, but early spring is the time for one of the biggest events in cybersecurity summer camp season: The opening of registration for GenCyber camps, free education and awareness camps in cybersecurity for K-12 students and teachers.  The National Science Foundation and the National Security Agency jointly run the GenCyber program, which features summer camps held at university campuses across the country. 2019 will be the sixth year of t...Read More

The Need For Green!

I had scrambled eggs, hash browns, and sausage for breakfast this morning. I never do that. I am now nursing a stomach ache! Maybe I should have gone with something greener. And… there is my blog topic! The need for Green! Did you know that California has a Children’s Outdoor Bill of Rights? It states that every child has a right to play in a safe place, explore nature, learn to swim, go fishing, follow a trail, ride a bike, go boating, connect with the past, plant a seed, and – my favorite – ca...Read More

Self-Care Ideas: Give 1/Get 8

Youth development is hard work and often emotionally draining; taking even a few minutes for self-care can be beneficial for our mental and physical health. I know what you’re thinking, self-care is all about juicing, advanced yoga poses, beach vacations, and lavender-scented spa days. Although these absolutely fall into the category of self-care, there are plenty of simple ways to practice self-care without breaking the bank. For this article, I want us to reimagine self-care by bringing one of...Read More

Raising Our Kids: A Long-Term Approach

I have had an experience several times in the last few weeks that, I am sure, happens to all of us who have worked with students for a certain number of years. If it has not happened to you yet, give it time. It will. Someday, you will run into your former students and they will have turned into adults. It is always a little strange to me when I see my “kids” as adults. I know that time keeps marching on and those kids I have worked with will grow up and continue to live their lives. They will g...Read More

Words Are Powerful, Use Them Wisely

Growing up, I learned that I had to grow a thick skin. I know people will insult you, and I understand. However, I think it’s essential to emphasize teaching children speech that brings the best out them and others. As we begin a new year, let us become more mindful of our words. We should exchange words honestly, but tactfully. Sarcasm, jokes, and sharp, candid speech can be taken to heart, even if you’re kidding. Also, we must listen patiently and use our words to express sincere goodwil...Read More