The BOOST Breakfast Club Blog is a curated space where bloggers from around the world contribute content on a continual basis about a variety of topics relevant to in and out-of-school time. The BOOST Breakfast Club blog is at the heart of an ongoing dialogue where expanded learning and education professionals share their personal thoughts and stories from the in and out-of-school time field. They also tell us what they ate for breakfast!
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In a large urban district like Metro Nashville Public Schools, my biracial children felt rather comfortable. There were other brown faces in their classrooms. For the most part, they didn’t stand out as “different.” Of course, they did encounter the occasional question about ethnicity from a peer. One of my sons even had a white teacher treat him unfairly because of the color of his skin. But, for the most part, my kids felt like they belonged in their diverse schools. When my kids transferred t...Read More
This post originally appeared on the Breakfast Club Blog on March 24, 2015. Learn more about the current work of MBK, here. A year ago February [February 2014], President Obama launched the My Brother’s Keeper Initiative (MBK). The goal of MBK was to lift up and strengthen any and all efforts that were “helping more young men of color stay on track. Providing the support they need to think more broadly about their future. Building on what works, when it works, in those critical life-...Read More
TEAMBOOST stands in solidarity with our Black colleagues, students, families, and communities. We love you. We support you. We are here for you. Today, we are recommitting to our fight for racial justice, inclusion, and equity. Going forward, we will continue to take meaningful action toward positive change. Over the years, we’ve sought out powerful Black voices to educate, inspire, and uplift the BOOST community. We hope you’ll take some time to listen, read, and continue your anti-...Read More
I recently had the honor of participating in an executive transition for the California School-Age Consortium (CalSAC). It was my first executive transition, so admittedly I don’t have anything to compare it to, however, I was inspired by how we, both board and staff, continued to keep values at the center of the process. Every step of the way we asked ourselves, does this align with the values of the organization? In the end, that resulted in an authentic interview process and a new exec...Read More
It seems like nearly every conversation and strategy session that I am part of lately includes discussions about diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI.) As I listen, read, and watch organizations grapple to embrace these values, I am compelled to look deeper and measure the impact of efforts on youth programs. When asked, most leaders point to policies that have been adopted but few share the difference that policy alone makes. At TGR Foundation – A Tiger Woods Charity, our staff meetings have tu...Read More
I had a different blog in mind for this month, but there was a situation in the small Indiana town that I live in where a house was vandalized with hateful, homophobic graffiti and obscene images all across the side of the house. It was sad, infuriating, hurtful, and a reminder that there is a lot of work that still needs to be done to ensure all LGBTQ+ individuals, especially youth, have the services and protection they need around them! Another Pride month has come and past. A few questions f...Read More
Editor’s Note: A special thank you to author @jillgordon for sharing the second of four webinars from the Youth Philanthropy Initiative of Indiana’s 2017 webinar series designed to promote next-gen leadership and giving opportunities. Today’s post focuses on recruiting diverse youth to your programs that represent the communities you serve. Click on the webinar link below “Discovering and Engaging Diverse Philanthropic Youth” for the full program. And keep your eyes open later in Jun...Read More
Today is the last day of 2017. It’s been a strange year. I feel like we’re living in some Bizarro World version of America. It’s as if one day we will wake up and realize this was all just a bad dream. A year ago I thought, “Well, I lived through eight years of W, I’ll get through this.” I didn’t think it would affect me personally, but it has. It does, every day. I live in Irvine, a diverse suburban community in which less than half of the population is white. A multitude of languages can be he...Read More
What can after school programs do to support children who are experiencing fears related to the impacts of deportation? Many of our programs work with children and families who have deep fears about the changing immigration climate and increased deportations. Knowing what to do to support students and families on these issues can be hard for staff. They want to help but do not have expertise in this area. They also want to know what is ok to say and do in their role. Here are some actions that c...Read More
Asia Society and BOOST Collaborative are partnering to create a series of blogs on global learning in out-of-school time. This blog entry was originally published on EdWeek’s Global Learning Blog. This entry was written by Rich Keegan, author of “Global Games for Diversity Education,” and a physical education teacher at Squadron Line Elementary School in Simsbury, CT. Traditionally physical education classes have not only focused on how to move, but also have emphasized teamwor...Read More
My daughter asked me if the 2014 Olympics were being held in Southern China. She spent most her childhood summers in Southern California, or SoCal, so I should not have been shocked when she thought Sochi was in southern China instead of Russia. Except that she is a 20 year old college student. What a small world we have…and how little of it our students seem to know. As a school teacher and mother to reasonably intelligent children, I like to believe I have instilled in them some understa...Read More