Student Interest Leads to Engagement

student engagement

Let’s talk about how getting to know the children we work with can help us build engagement and excitement about learning. Seems easy but can be forgotten and can make such a difference. It is the same way we think about who is coming for dinner…we wouldn’t make something they didn’t like!

Explore Existing Interests

Poll your children to learn what they are interested in, and consider ways to use academic enrichment to focus on these areas. For example, if children show an interest in animals, consider children’s literature or reference materials about animals that will pique their interest and facilitate conversations.

Ask open-ended questions that require students to discuss the text. You will find that children can learn about what they are interested in while building comprehension and vocabulary.

When you let the kids drive the exploration and discussion, their interest will increase and they’ll want to learn more. Naturally disguised learning will occur in a meaningful and fun way. We all learn more when something is interesting to us. Decide as a group what you are going to learn about or what project you will do.

Then think about ways to integrate academic enrichment that will allow the project or discussion to be disguised learning so it won’t feel like more school. Once you have decided as a group on a project you want to do, think about ways you can incorporate math, literacy, technology, or science into the process.

What do you have to add? What success have you had giving your children choice? Please share your thoughts in the comments on Facebook or Twitter!

 For breakfast, I had Barbara’s Spoonfuls cereal with a banana. What can I say, I am a creature of habit!

Author Profile: @megangreen