Finding Common Ground: Connecting Social-Emotional Learning During and Beyond the School Day

social-emotional learning

The Partnership for Children & Youth (PCY) has recently released Finding Common Ground: Connecting Social-Emotional Learning During and Beyond the School Day.

This brief provides language and strategies to support alignment between K-12 and expanded learning programs, by cross-walking key priorities and initiatives in California that impact social-emotional learning (SEL).

In PCY’s work with school districts and expanded learning providers over the last year, we have seen that many districts already have learning and behavioral goals that provide a strong foundation to focus their SEL efforts and that expanded learning providers are natural allies in this work. But too often the opportunities to better coordinate efforts are missed because these educators use different language and operate within separate initiatives. This brief finds common ground amid these initiatives and provides San Francisco Unified School District as a case study to illustrate how to operationalize this alignment.

Read the full brief here.

This work is based on Student Success Comes Full Circle, a previous publication by Expanded Learning 360º/365, outlining a shared understanding of what and how expanded learning programs contribute to SEL. Expanded Learning 360º/365 is a collaborative statewide initiative to improve SEL in expanded learning programs. Click here to learn more about the Partnership for Children & Youth’s social-emotional learning projects.

For those interested in assessing SEL practices, PCY is also releasing a more technical document – Measuring Quality: Assessment Tools to Evaluate Your Social-Emotional Practices – that crosswalks commonly used quality assessment tools with practices that support SEL outcomes.

We hope you find these documents useful to advance your work and facilitate conversations around alignment.

Author Profile: @katiebrackenridge